Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Swimming Lessons

The week after soccer camp, we started swimming lessons! It was a busy first few weeks of summer at our house! We did swimming Mon-Thur for 2 weeks. (June 7 - June 17) Logan and Rylee went at the same time (10:20) and it was perfect! They both did great and learned lots!
Logan and Rylee on their first day

Oh I love this girl and her cheesy grins!
Avery and I spent some good bonding time on the side watching. Avery was a pretty good little cheerleader and did pretty well watching as long as she had some snacks.
Ry trying a back float. This was her first time doing swimming lessons and I wasn't sure how she would do. She LOVED it and did great! She was putting her face in on the first day and wasn't afraid at all.
Logan trying a back float. He was with a lot of bigger kids, so I was a little nervous, but he did OK. He wasn't quite where they were when they started, but he learned a lot and kind of caught up by the end. He has no fear of the water, he just needed some helping learning to actually swim.
The best thing about swimming lessons was that we could stay after and swim in the outdoor pool for free! We spent a lot of days doing that and had so much fun! I guess it was Avery's reward for sitting through those long lessons. She loved splashing in the water!

Enjoying one of our swimming days
Look at Logan swimming under water like a regular fish! I was so proud of him! He kind of does a dog paddle thing with his legs tucked up under him, but he got better and better and swimming the right way by the end of the week!
Daddy came and swam with us one day and the kids loved showing off for him! Here is Ry doing her backfloat - I think that is her favorite.
2 cute kids on the last day of swimming
Twinner girls

Logan waiting for his teacher

Miss Ry - She was quite the social butterfly in her class and made lots of cute little friends. She also didn't get along with one other little girl and they had to move that little girl to a different class. I don't think it was Ry's fault - that little girl was crazy and didn't do any better in the other class - Ry just didn't take her crap! She is a funny girl though and loves her little friends!

Ry with her cute little class - Her teacher was gone the last day, so she had this boy and she was a little nervous about him, but she did great and really liked him by the end of the day. I loved the place where they took lessons because the classes were so small and I felt like they really learned a lot.
Look at Logan go!
Ry with her backfloat
Logan backfloating
Cute Avery still watching! What a good baby sister! I'm so lucky she is such a good baby.
Ry loved when they played "Red light, green light" and kicked on the stairs.
Logan swimming with the kickboard. He is so proud of himself that he can stick his head in and swim with his face underwater. I'm pretty impressed, too!
His teacher helping him with his stroke
At the end, they always did a cheer and my kids loved that! They are in there somewhere....
We had so much fun doing swimming this year! I'm so glad we did it, even if it was a little crazy going everyday. I was kind of glad when they were over because I felt like they were taking over our life and I had so much laundry during them, but we missed going to the pool and getting to swim. And the kids learned so much and had tons of fun! Yeah for summer!!!

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