Monday, September 13, 2010

Avery's 10 Month Pictures

Since we spent a good part of the summer at the pool, and Avery made her first trip to the beach in July, I thought we would do her 10 month pictures in her cute swim suit and cover up! They turned out so cute!!! This close-up was my favorite!This one is a close second...
Gotta love the shades!

My funny little diva! I love dressing her up!

She can crawl now! It was a little harder for the photographer now that she can go and she was a little bit all over the place.
See that cute baby tooth! It is her first one!
Ready to crawl away her with funny leg sticking out to the side. She is our funny little scooter!
She wouldn't look at the camera or smile once these seashells came out. She was so fascintaed by them and they went straight to her mouth!


1 comment:

Julie and Matt said...

So cute!. She is such a little doll. I love the sun hat and sunglasses ones. So adorable.