Saturday, September 4, 2010

Conversations with Rylee

My Rylee is so funny! Lately, we have had some really funny conversations. The other day, I had to take our van in for an inspection. I told the kids we had to hurry and leave because I had an appointment to go to. Rylee started asking me questions about when I was having a baby and if there was a baby in my tummy, so I had to explain that the appointment wasn't for me, it was for the car. While we were driving over, Logan was asking me what we were doing and I told him they had to make sure our car was safe to drive and then Rylee piped in and said, "Mom, is the van going to have a baby?" I guess she thinks appointments are only for when there is a baby on the way - even for cars.


Karmann said...

What a cute post! I love that she correlates appointments with babies!! Loved talking to you today!!! I miss you tons!!! Thanks for thinking of me! Love you!

Emily said...

You will love having all those details written down in the future! Kindergarten?... just wait til he's in fifth grade like my oldest- it kills me! I have learned that they do stay true to who they are. He will not lose his sweetness- that's just him. He is such a good boy and handsome and smart! you are the cutest mama ever! hang in there on those lonely days and call me- lets hang out with our two littles ok?!!