Tuesday, September 14, 2010

British Soccer Camp

Back in May/June, Logan went to a cute soccer camp. It started on Memorial Day and went that week for 5 days. It was a British one and he had so much fun and learned a ton! His favorite part was his coach, Josh, from England and he thought his accent was so funny! I thought Logan might be a little too young for a soccer camp, but this one was great and did some really fun games with the kids that kept their attention, but they learned a lot from them.
Here he is on the first day in his shirt. He went every day for a week for about an hour and a half, but they always ended up staying longer because they were all having so much fun!
He spent a lot of the first day wrestling with this other boy. He did better by the end of the camp.
Logan being silly
Shaking hands with his coach at the end of the day. His coach was so great with all the kids.
Finished with day 1
The week of the soccer camp the weather was kind of crazy! They had to play indoors one day and it rained on them a couple of the other days. The last day was lots of fun! The parents were invited to come and play the games and see how much the kids had improved. Darren was able to get away from work for a little bit and me and the girls came and watched the whole time - Logan loved that!
Logan got a little more aggressive from working at the camp and really improved his ball handling skills.
This is the "locker room" as the coach called it whenever they took a drink break. The kids thought that was funny. He also called the field the "pitch" and I think the kids were pretty confused by that for a couple of days!

Dad joining in the games
I love this sneaky expression. I think they were playing a game like What time is it Mr Fox where they tried to sneak across the field before the fox (their coach) woke up and chased them back.
Logan's FAVORITE game was this dinosaur game where the kids tried to keep their "eggs" (their soccer balls) away from the dinosaur in the middle who would try and steal them. They all loved it! This is Logan's best dino impression.
After the games were over, they had a little closing ceremony for the kids. They gave high fives to the coaches and got a poster of Wayne Rooney, a famous soccer player in England.
Logan loved his poster! His coach also wrote a little note telling about some things Logan improved on and some of his strengths, as well as things he could work on.
Logan and Coach Josh. He had such a fun week! We love our little soccer player!!!

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