Sunday, October 3, 2010

Avery is ONE!!!

It is so hard to believe that is has been a whole year since little Miss Avery joined our family...
Time goes much too quickly! I have lots of things I want to post about her at one year, but it will take me awhile. Here are her beautiful one year pictures that I am so in love with! These are the rest of the non cake smashing pictures from Avery's 1st birthday photo shoot.
This one is my favorite!!! I LOVE the lighting and my sweet little girl's face and who wouldn't love that skirt! It is to die for!
I love this close-up because it is just SO Avery!
I love her cute teeth in this one!

I love that you can see her funny upper teeth in this one.

This one was one of the cake smashing ones, but I had to include it! I love her eyes in this picture!!!
Avery is turning into a little girl - She isn't much of a baby anymore! I can't believe it! She is walking all over and even talking some and throwing tantrums...Yikes! We love our sweet Avery! Thanks for coming to our family and for a great first year, baby girl!

And...I survived doing monthly pictures! When I started that tradition with Logan, everyone said I couldn't do it. I do think that part of the reason I continued with the monthly pictures was to prove everyone wrong, but I also love doing it and I love watching the changes from month to month. It happens so quickly! It will be nice to not have to worry about it for awhile though.


Kim said...

could your baby be any cuter? I think not! Holy adorable!

The Webbers said...

I LOVE all the pictures. Avery is such a beautiful baby!!! I can't wait to see you guys and see how little avery has grown so much.