Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kids are funny....

My kids are hilarious and I spend a lot of my time laughing at all the funny things they say. I am not great about writing it all down, but I am trying to be better. The problem is they say SO many funny things, I can't keep track of them all! Here are a few (fairly) recent favorites....

In January, I rented the Michael Jackson movie to watch. I was pretty excited to see it, but I was pretty surprised to find Logan was even more excited than me! My brothers introduced Logan to Michael Jackson music last summer on our vacation, and he knows lots of his music and loves him. When I started the movie, he was asking all sorts of questions about what the movie was about and I told him it was Michael practicing for his concert and he asked why it wasn't the real concert, I explained that Michael died before he could do the concert and lots of people wanted to see it, so that was why there was a movie of the practices so people could see a little of what it would be like. He thought about it for awhile and then he said, "Mom, can I get something to remember Michael Jackson by, like an ornament or something?" I think I laughed about that for a few days! He LOVED watching that movie and knows lots of the moves. His favorite part was the big army of soldiers marching. He know loves to turn on Michael's CD first thing in the morning while he is eating breakfast. Sometimes they even play Micheal Jackson and he tells Rylee that she is "What is Michael's sister's name again? Oh yeah....Janet!" but Rylee calls her "Jam-it!" So funny what they come up with!

Ry says some pretty funny prayers. She always says thanks for "the blessings" which I think is so funny and she will also pray for each family member to "stay safe" individually. Lately, she has been trying anything to delay bedtime, and she has been REALLY dragging out her prayers. For awhile though, she was saying short ones and she would say "Heavenly Father" and then "Amen" and nothing in between. Darren explained to her that we should thank Heavenly Father for blessings and then ask for things we need or want in between. Her next prayer went like this: "Heavenly Father, I want a pink Princess Purse. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." I guess at least she knows what she wants....

We were reading scriptures one night in our Book of Mormon reader with the pictures and Rylee pulled a funny face and said "Ewww....Lamanites have ugly hair!"

I was chopping onions the other day and my eyes were watering really bad. Logan said, "Wow, mom! You must need a Claritin D!"

My kids are a little obsessed with marriage lately. I don't know if it was going to Cory's wedding or all the Princess movies Ry likes to watch or what, but they really like to pretend they are getting married and they play really funny. Rylee thinks that if you dance together, then you are married. Logan is convinced that he is married to the little girl, Melody, down the street because they danced together when she was here. One day, I heard Logan and Rylee talking while I was making lunch. I think Rylee was trying to convince Logan to "marry" her. Logan said, "You are too bossy. I can't marry you! Anyway, you don't marry your sister! You have to marry a friend or something..." A few minutes later I heard him say, "And I am NEVER going to honeymoon you. You are SOOOO bossy!" A few days later, I was telling Rylee I never wanted her to grow up and get married and move away because I would miss her. Logan said, "Well mom, I'm married to Melody and I still live here." He must be pretty convinced that their ceremony was official!

Rylee has lately been noticing more about her body and other people's. I think it might be time to start doing separate baths. The other day, I was getting out of the shower and Rylee came into my bathroom and said, "Wow mom! You have fast boobs!" Does anyone know what that means??? She also was talking to Darren the other day and said something about the "little tail" that he and Logan have. I couldn't stop laughing that time! The other day in the tub, I told Logan to wash his weiner and Rylee said, "A winger?? Is that what its called?" and after we got out of the tub, she kept pointing to her belly button and telling me it was her "winger". I guess we still have some anatomy to learn....

Logan has had his first crush!!! It was a little girl from his soccer team named Nora. He told me that he really needed to have a soccer playdate with her. I asked him why he wanted to have her over so bad and he said, "I REALLY like her soccer moves." The way he said it was hilarious!!! I talked to her mom and scheduled a day, but it was still a little ways off and he was obsessed with knowing when it was going to be. He talked about Nora all the time and he told me, "Mom, I think there is a little problem with Nora. I think she likes Morgan (another little boy from the soccer team) too much!" Yikes! Are we starting with the love triangles already??? We haven't even been to Kindergarten yet!

We were getting ready to go to my nephew's birthday the other day. He and Logan are cute little buddies and he was so excited to go. I mentioned that we needed to stop and get a present and Logan said, "Isn't having me at the party a good enough present?"

We were having breakfast a few days ago and I poured Logan a cup of OJ without noticing that it was the high pulp kind. When he finished his breakfast, he went to dump it in the sink and Darren told him not to waste it. He got really whiny and said, "But Dad! It has FUR in it!!!" I used to call pulp "whiskers" when I was little so I was totally sympathetic and I didn't make him finish it.

Yesterday, I was making Logan practice writing. Logan is SO ready for Kindergarten, except that he isn't too great at making all of his letters, but he hates practicing so I tried to make up a fun game for him to practice with. I told him I would say a letter and he could write a word that started with that letter. I didn't know how he would do, but he did great with it and spelled most of the words without help! My favorite was when I said the letter 'S', Logan started writing, "S-L-A-V-K-I-A". He was writing Slovakia. Do you think someone has been watching a little TOO much World Cup? I guess at least it is serving educational purposes!

isn't going present enough?
orange juice fur

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