Sunday, June 27, 2010


It is almost 3 am! I should be in bed, but I just finished doing some work on Logan's birthday cake and couldn't sleep. I had so many memories rushing through my head of what used to be my tiny baby boy. I just can't seem to grasp the fact that he is now FIVE!!!
Five years ago today was one of the most emotional days of my life! I don't know if I have ever been so scared, happy, excited, nervous, tired.... I think I felt EVERY possible emotion to the fullest!!! This is the day when my sweet Logan was born, 6 weeks early and with a few complications. He came by emergency C-section and the whole thing was a little crazy. I think it may have been the hardest day ever, especially because I didn't get to hold my sweet, new baby boy for 24 hours! But let me tell you, he was worth the wait! Our first family picture and my first time holding Logan! The next few weeks were rough as he spent 2 weeks in the NICU.
My sweet baby boy.
The day he got his feeding tube out! Isn't he tiny???I can't believe that it has been FIVE years!!! I wish I could freeze time and make him stay this little and sweet always. I wish that he would always want to cuddle with me and hold my thumb and be so excited to play Star Wars and have light saber wars with such cute sound effects. I wish that he would always have to have a stuffed animal to tuck into bed with him. I wish that he would always use the magnet board in the toy room as a scoreboard for his many different soccer, basketball, baseball, football and hockey games. I wish that he would always tell me all about dinosaurs and explain to me about herbivores and carnivores and how to pronounce all the names. I wish that he would always play sweet, fun, make-believe games with his little sister. I wish that he wouldn't grow up!!! It is going too fast!
Since we are celebrating his big number FIVE birthday, here are FIVE words to describe our Logan:
1 - LIFE - This boy is SO full of life! I love it!!! He is so curious and excited about everything! One of my favorite memories of him this year is watching him watch Star Wars for the first time and jumping up and down through almost the whole movie because he was SO excited and couldn't contain himself! He is like that about anything and I love to see the excitement in him over the simplest things.
2 - Sweet - I don't know if I have ever seen a little boy who is so cute and cuddly and sweet with others, especially his little sisters. He talks so softly to Avery and always gives me hugs and kisses, even if he does sometimes wipe them off now. :(
3 - Funny - Logan cracks me up everyday! Just yesterday, he wasn't minding and I threatened to cancel his birthday. His response was, "You can't cancel birthdays mom. It's the biggest day of the year!!!"
4 - Friendly - Logan LOVES people and is so friendly! He always wants to invite EVERYONE to his birthday each year and he loves to introduce people, which I think is so funny! He loves having playdates and gets so excited to get together with friends and he really loves all of his family and hates to leave anytime we go someplace with others. He is really outgoing and so happy.
5 - Smart! Logan is so smart! He remembers everything he hears and is a little sponge. One of my favorite things about him right now is that he will disappear and I will find him in some corner with a book! How cute is that? Usually a dinosaur book, but the other day, it was Daddy's Sports Illustrated. It was the World Cup issue and he wanted to tell you all about the "Beautiful Game", because that is what the cover said. I love it!

Happy Birthday little buddy! We Love You to the Moon and Back...x FIVE!!!


Jenn said...

Happy Birthday Logan from the Barker's Hope you had a great Day!! I can't believe it has been 5years... time is definantly speeding up and I don't like it.

Annie said...

O my goodness!! I can't believe it has been 5 years since that cute little guy came here. He is adorable and can't wait to see him hopefully sometime this summer :)