Monday, June 14, 2010

March Recap

March seems like it was ages ago and looking at these pictures, it seems like my kids have changed a ton since then, but I like to keep these little monthly journal entries, so here it goes! March was a REALLY busy month for us, which is a big reason I am now SO far behind on the blog and life in general. We took a fun mini-vacation to Salt Lake, Logan registered for Kindergarten, Avery started on cereal and turned 6 months old, Rylee gave up her binky (Woot! Woot!) and we celebrated Rylee's 3rd birthday and got ready for Easter.
Avery on Mar 4, at about 5 1/2 months. She has to be the cutest baby ever!
Mar 4 - We have started ordering these produce baskets every few weeks and one week it came with a coconut! Logan was so excited to crack it open and have some coconut milk. I don't think it quite lived up to his expectations...

Mar 5 - I love this cheesy girl! She always wants her pictures taken!
Sweet sisters!
Rylee really does TRY to be helpful with Avery, but I don't know that Avery always feels that way. She looks a little nervous of the headlock hold here.

Mar 16 - My NO BINKY GIRL!!! I am SO proud of her! And she is SO proud of herself and still talking about how she has no more binky and how big she is!
Mar 16 - We had a warm day and headed to the park with Daddy. There was still a little bit of snow on the ground, but the sun was shining and it felt a little like Spring, so we went to the kids' favorite park to hang out and celebrate Ry giving up her binky! The kids had a great time and LOVED the tire swing!

Everyone going down the slide together
Avery had her first try in the swing and LOVED it! She was so happy and her little legs were just kicking! She would get so excited she would lose her breath a little but she had so much fun!
Mar 21 - Rylee wanted another picture with A - I don't think Avery wanted another picture with Rylee - haha!
Mar 21 - Avery started her first taste of real food in March! It has opened a whole new world to her and she loves to eat!!!
Mar 25 - Avery turned SIX months old!!! How did that happen???
Rylee wanted ANOTHER picture with her sister!
Mar 27 - I really shouldn't post this picture....It is a little embarassing, but such a fun time, I just have to! My friend, Emily, celebrated her 30th birthday by renting out the local club (yes...there IS a dance club in our little town...) and having an 80s bash. It was for couples, but Darren didn't really want to go. Luckily, my friend's husband didn't want to go either, so Jenn and I went together. Darren went to Salt Lake that day to go through the temple with my new sister-in-law and was supposed to be back in time for me to go (Avery won't take a bottle and I couldn't find a sitter close enough to the temple to make it work and go with), but he ended up being late and I had to get a sitter so I could go. I really should have stayed home and finished Rylee's birthday cake for her party the next day, but I just couldn't pass up 80s dancing, and I am so glad I didn't! It was SO fun!!! I loved it and it was totally worth staying up until about 2 in the morning working on the Princess cake!
Some of the girls in our 80s attire! Hot, right???
Mar 28 - Cute kids in their Easter attire

Logan is one handsome dude!
Logan is OBSESSED with Michael Jackson! He LOVES to dance to his music and knows a lot of his songs. He turns it on a lot of mornings and rocks out to it and even calls Rylee "Janet" since that is Michael's sister. He gave a pretty impressive concert during Rylee's birthday party, complete with lots of dance moves that he named himself! We LOVED it!

He is ROCKING that mic! One of his many dance moves.
My sweet girl turned 3!!!!
Daddy and his Princess
Rylee at her Princess Party
The girls with Belle at Ry's Princess Party
Ry and her Princess cake
Ry with her birthday gifts on her birthday
Ry and her loot!
Mar 30 - Our neighbor hosted a cute little Easter egg hunt for the neighborhood kids. It was a lot of fun! It is so nice to have some other kids to play with and have fun little activities with. Here is Rylee on the hunt. She was really content with just one egg when she saw it had candy in it.

Logan with his bucket of eggs
Avery was there, too
Rylee chowing down on a Reese's Peanut Butter cup
Avery looking good in her rice cereal
Mar 31 - We are "egg"-cited for Easter!!! What a fun March! Now on to April....

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