Friday, June 25, 2010

Egg Hunt at Grandma's

After all the wedding excitement, we spent the night at Darren's parent's house, and had spent the next day hanging out with their house. We spent most of the day watching Conference and visiting with Curt and Carla and Raegan and made a quick Costco run. In the afternoon, we had the traditional Easter egg hunt and the kids had a great time!
Rylee really got into the hunt this time!
Logan searching for eggs.

Avery didn't get to join in the egg hunting fun, but she sure loved sitting on the grass! It was a new experience for her!!! She had a fun first Easter egg hunt at Grandma's. Can you believe this cutie is SIX months old in this picture???

Logan showing off his goodies in his cute basketball basket!

Ry went straight for the chocolate - Smart girl!!!
Avery got a cute little lamb in her basket.
She just wanted to eat the tag - Tags are one of her VERY most favorite things!!!
Avery and her little lamb
Before we left, the kids colored a couple of eggs. Rylee was having so much fun with her girl cousins! It is so fun to get together with everyone and watch the kids play together so cute!
Ry making her egg orange! She did pretty good and didn't get any on her white shirt....What a miracle!!!

It was a fun Easter! After the hunt, the boys went to Priesthood and I headed to my mom's. Darren met me there and then we headed home. It was another crazy weekend of traveling, but we had a great time with the family and were excited for our own Easter hunt the next morning!

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