Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Avery's 7 month photos

Here are Avery's 7 month photos. They weren't my very favorite ones, but they turned out pretty cute. I LOVE her sweet little hands in all these first pictures! She is always holding them that way, so I loved that they were in pictures like that. It is totally HER!

Our little A!
Last month, I had some taken in her tutu that my sister made her, but the tutu didn't really show up, so we tried it again and I thought these turned out really sweet!

She is growing up so quick!!! I love this sweet baby girl!!!


3+Love~aki=Us said...

i really love these pics!! :)

man looking at your blog makes me miss you guys. i was just thinking how i miss Logan too! he probably wouldn't even recognize me tho..SAD.

Clark Family said...