Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Avery at 7 months

I am really falling behind on Avery's monthly posts! Every month, I swear that I am going to catch up and post them within a week of her month birthday, but it just doesn't happen. Maybe in June.... These pictures are from March 25 - April 25 (6 - 7 months). She had lots of fun outings this month and got to try lots of new, fun foods! My baby girl is 7 months old!!!
Mar 26 - Here is my Princess at Rylee's Princess party meeting her FIRST Princess - BELLE!!!
What a cute Princess in her fun tutu from Aunt Heather! This is her 26 week picture.
Mar 28 - Avery in her very first Easter dress! I think she looks like a sweet little Cinderella! This was the week before Easter since Easter Sunday fell on conference.

Mar 29 - Avery discovering a new toy. She loved this spinner and was having so much fun with it.
Mar 31 - Here is Avery trying her first veggie, Green Beans. She wasn't very sure about it, as you can see.... I figure if you start with the grossest thing, they will eat anything!
She did better after a few bites, but she still loves cereal more!
Mar 31 - Avery coloring her very first Easter egg!
April 1 - Just some tub pictures just because. I love cute, chubby tub babies!
Avery loves taking a bath and has recently really discovered splashing by kicking her legs and splashing with her hands. It is too cute!

April 2 - Avery dancing at Uncle Cory and Aunt Katie's wedding. This isn't her first wedding - She had that when she was just 3 weeks old for Uncle Dean and Aunt Laura's wedding. She had a lot of fun at this wedding though and looked so cute in her little dress to match her cousins.
Avery loved dancing with cousin Sophey! They were adorable!
April 3 - Avery at Grandma Pat's Easter egg hunt - 27 weeks old!
I LOVE that cute tongue!!!
I love her big smiles! She was pretty fascinated by the grass, but wasn't interested in hunting for eggs yet.
Avery with her basket from Grandma. She loved her cute little lamb, but she loved the tag on him even more. Tags are one of her favorite things right now!

She also wanted to eat the little windmill. Everything goes in her mouth!
Avery and her little lamb
April 4 - Avery on her first Easter morning checking out her basket
Just relaxing...
Avery got some yummy little Puffs in her basket and a pink bunny! The Easter Bunny searched for a cute stuffed animal for her basket, but there were none! This was the best he could do...
I love that smile!
April 4 - On Easter Sunday, we went to Grandma and Grandpa Boman's for Grandpa's birthday. I thought the girls looked so cute in their little matching dresses!
April 4 - Avery trying her next veggie - Peas! She liked this one a little better than green beans.
April 5 - Avery at her 6 month appointment! She did so great! She did have another ear infection, which I had no idea about. She is way too happy for me to think she is sick! She only cried for a second after her shots and then was totally fine and happy again. Here are her 6 month stats:

April 6 - Avery likes to sit in her bumbo and hang out while I clean up in the kitchen. She really likes it when I crank the music and dance for her and sometimes she even dances along!
April 6 - Avery with her first set of piggies!!!

April 7 - Avery tried out her exersaucer for the first time and LOVED it!!! She had so much fun playing in it and trying out all the toys.
She wanted to eat everything, of course!
April 7 - Avery trying carrots. These were her favorite so far!
Just cuz she is cute...
April 8th - We took the kids to Baby Animal Days. I didn't know how Avery would do with it or if she would even care, but she REALLY liked this baby duck! She loved it so much she almost took of its head! She grabbed the poor thing and just squeezed because she was so excited and I had to pry her fingers off. It made me laugh!
While we were waiting in line to see the bunny, Avery was being so cute! She was doing SO BIG and putting her little hands up over her head and then laughing and doing it again and again.
Then she would clap for herself!
Avery with the bunny!
April 9 - Avery doing SO BIG! Her favorite new trick!
Avery LOVES her toes! I wish I could touch my toes to my head - It is pretty funny how flexible babies are!
April 9th - Avery at 28 weeks
Such a happy girl!

April 10 - Avery at her first Real Salt Lake game. We went to the home opener. Daddy is starting her young! First the Aggies, and now RSL!
Clapping for Real!
April 11 - Avery sitting. I love how she sits with her legs out like this! It is so funny! And then her toes start going in little circles and she is always moving them.
Love this baby face!

She is getting really good at reaching for things while she is sitting. If it is too far for her to reach something, then she will just spread her legs a little further so she can lean over farther. It is pretty funny to watch! She has a good sense of balance!
April 12 - Yummy squash! She looks good in everything she eats!
April 16 - We had to take a quick Vegas trip to do some things for our condo. It was Avery's first trip out of state! She did pretty good in the car, although she always seemed to be done about an hour before we were ready to stop and she would cry for awhile before we could get out. I forgot how hard it is to do the long drive with babies! Here she is at one of our favorite restaurants, Bahama Breeze. Everyone kept coming up and commenting on how cute she was and mentioning her HUGE bow! In Vegas, everyone always noticed our babies, but not so much in Utah, probably because there are so many here. And that bow....Not THAT big, but people kept talking about it. We have lots bigger, but I guess it is big for Vegas!
Avery hanging out poolside at our friend's, the White's, house
The White's took us to a bull riding even that night - It was Avery's first rodeo! It was SO loud, but she did just fine and lasted all night, even though it was about 11:30 to her by the time it got over!
April 17 - Avery trying her first fruit - Bananas!!! She liked those a lot!
Avery at the Bellagio - We did a little sightseeing, but Avery slept through most of it. She did really like the fountains and the flowers though.
Avery loves the grass! I wish we had some!!!

29 weeks old!

Avery also took a little dip in the pool. It was a little cool for her though so she didn't last too long. She does NOT like cold water! She perferred to just dangle her toes like Mommy.
Kisses from Daddy before she got out
April 18 - On the way home, we stopped at a park in Cedar. Avery LOVES to swing!
April 20 - Avery at one of Logan's soccer games! I love this hat! She is a great cheerleader and such a good baby to sit through 4 soccer games a week.

April 21 - Avery likes Applesauce, too. I have yet to find a food she doesn't like!

April 24 - Avery at the Aggie Spring Scrimmage. She better get used to going to the Aggie games - It happens a lot at our house. She is such a good baby and does so well at this stuff. She loves looking at people and seeing what is going on and being outside and all the attention she always seems to get. This is also the first time I gave her little fruit puffs and she loved them! It took her a few tries to pick them up, but she got them much faster than I expected. I think it is one of the funniest things to see them try and figure that out. She could pick them up pretty quickly, but then had a hard time trying to get them back out of her hand. They would get stuck in her cute little fist, and then she couldn't figure out how to get them in her mouth. She finally figured out how to get them with just her little pincher fingers and by the end of the game, a few had actually made it to her mouth and she quite liked them! She will be discovering a whole new world of foods now!
April 25 - SEVEN months old!!! (Also 30 weeks) I love her funny little splits. She sits so funny, but she never falls, so I guess that is a good thing!

Looking down through the cracks

Here are a few more things about Avery at 7 months old:
She has lots of new tricks! She loves to do SO BIG and stretch her hands WAY up over her head and she has discovered clapping and LOVES to do it all the time. It is SO cute! She also learned how to wave on about April 14th. She does it kind of funny and opens and closes her hand backwards so it is facing her and watches her fingers so closely! She is starting to do it more and more. She is also starting to pick up some signs. She does "Milk" while she is nursing and opens and closes her hand the whole time. She is starting to understand the difference between "More" and "Finished", too. She doesn't do the signs yet, but if I do them to her, I can tell if she wants more to eat or if she is done by the way she responds. Baby sign is so useful!

We went on lots of fun outings this month - Baby Animal Days, a Real Salt Lake game, and we celebrated Easter and went to Uncle Cory's wedding. We also took our first real trip to Vegas. It was a busy month and Avery was so good for everything we did! I love that we don't have to stop doing things with the other kids because we have a little baby. Avery does great and doesn't seem to mind missing her nap once in awhile (or all the time...)

Avery is getting MUCH more vocal! She talks and babbles all the time and is getting pretty loud. She also makes this funny growling all the time. We call her our little Gremlin. It is such a funny, deep sound for such a sweet, little baby girl! People are always so surprised to hear that sound come out of her. She is always talking and has started to say "Dadadadada" all the time, but I don't think she associates it with Dad quite yet.

Avery LOVES to sit! She is so good at sitting and rarely loses her balance. My favorite part of watching her sit is her funny feet! She spreads them so wide to help her balance and her funny feet and toes never stop moving! They are always circling and flexing and it is so cute! She rolled over for the FIRST time onto her tummy on April 21. It took her a long time because she doesn't really like to lay down and I think she was too content to care to go anywhere. That is starting to change a little though and she seems interested in moving around and is rolling more and more. She is so funny now and will rock while she is sitting all the time. I think she is trying to get moving but she hasn't figured out how yet! She gets so frustrated if she can see something she wants but can't get to it!

Avery loves to eat and tried green beans, peas, carrots, squash, bananas and applesauce this month and loves them all!

Avery is discovering her body and LOVES her toes!!! She is always grabbing for them and chewing on them and she loves to pull them up to her head. She does this funny pose in the swing where she pulls her leg over to the side and touches her head. She looks like a funny baby cheerleader! She has also recently discovered her hair and pulls on it all the time and occasionally finds her ears, too. She also sticks out her tongue a lot! She likes to watch her fingers, too. She also seems to always have her little hands folded together so cute. She likes to have them together like that and then pump them up and down or she will just hold them up kind of by her face. People are always commenting on her cute, Princess hands because they look so proper all folded together.

Avery likes to be entertained lately and is really liking her toys. She has to have one all the time now. I can't just leave her in the room anymore.

Avery has also started sleeping in her crib! YEAH!!! However, it doesn't last all night! She was doing pretty well at night for awhile, but she is still usually up at least once and sometimes twice. She loves to sleep with her head up against my forehead and she will reach for me in her sleep to make sure I'm there. It is so sweet, but I don't always get the best rest. Hopefully, we can do better with the night time routine soon!

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