Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Rylee's Birthday Party - Part 2

I LOVE birthdays and I feel like they should be a BIG deal, since they only come around once a year. Especially for my kids! So, after the Princess Party for Rylee's friends, we also had a party with our family's on Sunday - the day before Rylee's actual birthday. It was a lot of fun and we feel so lucky to have so many people who love our kids and support them!

I always think it is fun to make my kids a special cake, although they always take up way more time than I think and I am usually ornery because they don't look right and I am up all night the night before making it. I considered getting Rylee a store bought cake this year, but when we looked online at things she picked this castle cake with "ALL the princesses" and it didn't look to hard to make and had a cheap kit to make it with. It actually was one of the easiest ones I have done, except for the building part. Stacking the layers was a little tricky and I forgot to level them, so it was a bit of a mess. I just used a TON of frosting to cover all the imperfections and it worked OK. It was a good thing that I invested in the big BUCKET of frosting from Sam's Club. I guess I will be making a few more cakes this year so I can use it all up!!! This is the beginning stages of the cake once I figured out that stacking and got it covered with LOTS of frosting! It also probably didn't help that instead of working on the cake the night before, I went 80s dancing with my friends and then had to stay up until 2 or 3 am frosting.... It was fun though! Here it is coming along a little further....
I didn't do a very good job documenting the process! All the late night and hard work was worth it when I saw Rylee's face - She LOVED her castle cake. She had to name all the Princesses over and over again and make sure they were all there! Luckily, she didn't seem to notice there was no Tiana....
I think it turned out pretty cute, even if it didn't look EXACTLY like the picture! I wanted to do a different cute one with sugar cones for the spires, but Ry HAD to have this one. Ry loved it because it had ALL the princesses and it was pink and it was a castle - It was the perfect cake for her!
The Princess with her cake and ready for her party to start.
Mommy and Ry
Daddy and Ry
We had dinner first - some yummy pot roast sandwiches and salads. Rylee was so excited for her party. Especially that her cute cousin Raegan could be there. They were in town visiting from North Carolina and Rylee was SO happy that Rae could come to her birthday! They are such cute little friends.
Some of the crowd - Both my grandmas were there, Grandma and Grandpa Boman, Uncle Dean and Aunt Laura, Aunt Heather and Uncle Jay and cousin Ethan, Aunt Vanessa and her boyfriend, Brian, Uncle Jeff, Uncle Brad and Uncle Kyle.
Some more of the crowd - Grandma Pat came and Aunt April and cousin Haley and Aunt Carla and cousin Raegan.
Before the presents, Logan put on a Michael Jackson performance for us and it was awesome! He was singing his little heart out, as you can see, and he had some SWEET dance moves, which he had funny names for. Like P360X and other funny names. I have NO idea where his funny ideas come from.
One of Logan's awesome dance moves. I think he would have performed all night long, except Grandma Pat had to leave so we had to cut it short so Ry could start opening presents.
Ry was so cute opening presents. She got SO excited about each gift! This is a Cinderella dress from Grandma Pat. She loved it! She also gave each person a hug and said Thank You after each gift without being coached - I was so proud of her for doing that!
Uncle Dean and Aunt Laura got Rylee a Sleeping Beauty playset. She LOVED it because it had a carriage and a prince! She has been asking for a Prince for her Princesses for awhile, but I didn't even know they had them. She was SO happy!!!
Besides the cute tutu from Aunt Heather that she got early, Heather also made Ry some CUTE pink blocks for her room that spell Princess with Lots of glitter and sparkles - Ry loves them!
Ry's feet were straight out like this the whole time she opened presents - We all thought it was really funny!
More cute dressups! A Tiana dress from Uncle Kevin, Aunt April and Haley! It has a wedding veil so Ry was really excited about that! She was in heaven with all her new presents!
A Cinderella doll from Rae and Carla - This one has a closet and a mirror so Ry loved that, too!
Ry's cute crown kept falling in her face the whole time and she would slide it back on. It was so cute!
Love this!
Great-Grandma Mary gave Ry a cute little yellow outfit and hat. I think there was a purse or something in with it, too but I waited too long to blog about it and now I can't remember.... Great-Grandma Pauline gave Ry a cute brown and pink polka dot dress, too.
Grandma and Grandpa Boman and the boys gave Ry some babies that the clothes snap on and off. They came with a tub and a high chair and Ry loves them! My mom is also helping us do some shelves and kind of a bead board look in Ry's room for her birthday. I am really excited about it!
Then it was time for cake and ice cream! Isn't this Princess so cute???

Ry was excited to blow out the candles!

Make a wish!!!

Ry with Grandma Pat before she had to leave
We ate cupcakes instead of the cake. I didn't think the cake would be enough and with all that frosting it was a little gross.... The cupcakes came with rings and Rylee loved having one for each finger since she was one of the only ones at the party that wanted to keep them.
Rylee and Raegan - What cute buddies!
Haley, Rylee and Raegan - Cute girl cousins!
Rylee with Aunt Vanessa
Rylee with Aunt Laura and Uncle Dean
Rylee LOVES her Grandpa Boman!!!
Rylee with her cute Uncles - She loves them and they are SO cute with her! Logan, Uncle Brad, Uncle Kyle, Rylee and Uncle Jeff
Rylee with her Great-Grandmas
Rylee with Grandma Boman

What a fun party! Thanks everyone for coming! Ry is one lucky little girl to have so many great examples and special people in her life who love and support her! It is so fun to get together and celebrate with our family! Happy Birthday sweet Princess!!!


Brooke :) said...

Very cute cake and birthday girl! I am very impressed! :)

Tiff and Griff said...

Holy cow brooke that cake was awesome, she is getting so big,she is so lucky to have a mom like you.