Sunday, June 27, 2010

Birthday Moments

Logan cracked me up today, so I had to journal it while it is fresh in my mind. Tomorrw he will say a bunch more things, and then I won't be able to remember what he said today. There will be lots of party pictures and other stuff to like 3 months when I catch up my blog...haha! But, here are some of the funny things he did and said today.

We celebrated my mom's 50th birthday with the family yesterday and got home late last night and then slept in this morning. We woke up to Logan in our bed. He comes into our room early in the morning quite frequently and then goes back to sleep for awhile cuddled up next to Dad. As soon as his eyes were open, he grabbed Darren's face and said, "Dad! Its my birthday! I'm FIVE!!!" He then started talking about a million miles an hour about his birthday. He asked Darren, "Do I look different? Am I bigger?" We thought is was so cute. He also announced that his PJs still fit, so he must not be too much bigger, but he did suggest that Darren measure him. A little later he also said, "Do I sound bigger?" I told him his voice sounded a little deeper, and he quite liked that answer. What a funny kid! I thought it was funny that he made the connection between growing and changing and his birthday. He then said, "When do I go to school?" I think since we have been telling him he goes to school when he turned five, he was ready to go that minute! I had to explain that he had to wait a few months. It is a conversation I will never forget...or at least I hope I don't!

Logan liked to remind me "I can have whatever I want today. Its my birthday!"

He had his favorite chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast and then opened presents. He said so many funny things opening up his presents. He kept talking about how his dinosaurs were from the "Museum of Ancient Life" and he said "I'm so curious what is in this" as he was opening one of his gifts. Sometimes I wonder if he is 5 or 50! He sounds so grown-up!

He was so excited about everything. The look on his face when he opened his Yoda Star Wars shirt was priceless! I love that he can read the boxes - He says funny stuff off of them. He told us he needed to be careful with his new Star Wars Legos because they are a choking hazard, since it says that on the box. When he got to the last BIG present, (his scooter) he kept saying "I wonder what this big baby is!" I was cracking up! He also wanted to ride it to church, but since we finished opening presents at 10:40 and were still in PJs and church started at 11, it wasn't going to happen....

Logan was so excited to go to Primary on his birthday. As soon as they asked for birthdays to sing to, he was out of his seat and ready to go up and he had the biggest grin on his face during the song. The missionaries came in today to teach a little lesson on the Holy Ghost. Logan loves to raise his hand and answer in Primary and today when they asked a question and called on him, he said "Today is my birthday!" It was TOO cute!!! He loved his little treat bag and was nice enough to share one of his two laffy taffys with his sister, Rylee. What a sweet big brother!

My dad told Logan that to be five, he had to count to five in Japanese and in Spanish. He also told him he had to do five pushups. Logan was a little worried about this and said at the party, "You don't have to pass any tests to be five. You just have a birthday and then you're five."

After he blew out his candles, he made an "acceptance speech" of sorts. It was hilarious! He announced, "I am so happy that it is my birthday. And, I have been waiting to be five years old ....FOREVER! I am so happy that I'm finally five!" This may have been my favorite part of the day.

Logan REALLY wanted to open his Star Wars Lego sets, but I wanted him to wait until after the party so we didn't lose pieces in all the chaos. He could hardly contain himself and kept asking and asking if he could open them. When we had just a few guests left, he politely told them to leave so he could play with his Legos. I wish I could remember how he said it. We were all laughing! Luckily, it was family, so I don't think they were TOO offended!

What a great day! We love our Logan - We are so happy he joined our family FIVE years ago! What a fun five years it has been!

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