Friday, June 18, 2010

She's UP!!!

For the last week or so, Avery has been a girl obsessed! She wants to be standing ALL the time! It is like she has discovered a whole new world. She is not standing alone, but she wants to be standing up to things now whenever she has a chance. If I set her down, she cries and if I try to pick her up, she just grabs my fingers and pulls herself to standing and then she is happy as can be. I guess sitting is no longer cool when you are 8 1/2 months old. As soon as she finishes nursing, she wiggles her way out of my arms and pushes down so she can stand up to the couch. She has become such a little busy body! For about the last day, she can actually stand there by herself, holding onto the couch. She isn't pulling up yet, but she is really close. We could be in for trouble. She is trying to figure out how to move now that she is standing, but hasn't quite got the walking along action down yet. Just falling over.... I hate the bumps on the head that come with this stage!
Avery is also SO close to crawling but just can't get it... The poor girl is so frustrated constantly. If she is sitting, she tries to go to a crawling position, but she always gets one little leg stuck and then ends up falling onto her tummy. Once she is on her tummy, she will lay there with her legs flailing a million miles an hour, but not going anyway. She can turn herself all around while she is on her tummy and roll around to get somewhere, but when she tries to crawl, she ends up pushing herself backwards, which just makes her mad because she doesn't get to where she wants to go. Then she will try the leg flailing again for awhile and then get tired and mad. I know it won't be long before she gets it, but it is a little funny to watch the process. A couple times this week she has managed to pick her tummy up of the ground and gets into a little push-up position but then she isn't too sure what to do. It won't be long and this girl will be ON THE MOVE!!!
Pictures still to come.... I had to write this post while it was fresh on my mind and I haven't caught her doing her new "tricks" on camera yet!

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