Sunday, June 13, 2010

Coloring Eggs

March 31 - We had a REALLY busy Easter weekend, so before we took off for the weekend, we had our traditional egg coloring. The kids loved it! Ry was really into it this year and her and Logan were dunking them so fast that we ran out pretty quickly, even though we made 2 dozen! They would scribble a little bit on one with a crayon and then put it in the dye and move on to the next one and went through them really quick. Ry broke a couple putting them in a little rough and dropping them, but other than that, we had a pretty uneventful dying session!
We have learned a lot of lessons from egg dying! Notice the plastic tablecloth, the pan the color is set in so it won't get tipped, and the big, old T-shirts on the kids.
Avery enjoying her first egg dying session from the Bumbo
Ry coloring on the egg - This was her favorite part

Logan was getting pretty good and could get the eggs in and out by himself
So excited!
Ry wanted to do it by herself, too. She broke a couple eggs though...
Another of Ry's funny facial expressions

Our finished eggs

Rylee with her egg
Cute kids with their eggs
All 3 kiddos
Avery and her purple "A" egg! She looks pretty excited to celebrate her first Easter!

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