Thursday, July 1, 2010

Little Scooter...

It's official! We have a little crawler at our house! OK...well maybe not a "crawler". I don't know what you call Avery's method of getting around, but she is definitely getting around and fast, too! It is pretty funny to watch and maybe if I get a little more tech savvy, I will post a video. She has been making a little progress and doing some little scoots here and there, but on Monday (June 28), she went all the way across the room! Her method is something like a combination of crawling and a bum slide and looks a bit like someone riding a scooter. She keeps one leg folded under her and uses it to balance and then pushes off with one leg straight behind her, just like a little scooter. She is really good at using her arms and can go any direction and is moving pretty quick. Yesterday, she actually got both knees under her for a second and did some conventional crawling for a minute! SCARY!!! She can only do it if she starts in a sitting position. She still can't quite push up from her tummy and make it work, but she is getting closer on that, too. She will get into push-up position with her tummy on the ground, but then she doesn't know what to do!
She is also starting to get around pretty well cruising along the furniture! She did it for the first time at my parents' house on Father's Day (June 20) and she is getting really good now. She is SO close to pulling herself up, but can't quite get it yet. She has done it in the tub where it is low enough for her to really grab and not so far to pull herself, but not anywhere else...yet! She loves to stand and if I put her next to the furniture, she can make pretty good progress walking along.
One of her new favorite things is to stand up to the fridge in the kitchen and dance. We have a freezer on the bottom so that handle is just perfect. She bounces so cute and is so proud of herself for standing there all by herself! She is developing a very independent personality these days! What happened to my baby????

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