Sunday, June 27, 2010

Birthday Moments

Logan cracked me up today, so I had to journal it while it is fresh in my mind. Tomorrw he will say a bunch more things, and then I won't be able to remember what he said today. There will be lots of party pictures and other stuff to like 3 months when I catch up my blog...haha! But, here are some of the funny things he did and said today.

We celebrated my mom's 50th birthday with the family yesterday and got home late last night and then slept in this morning. We woke up to Logan in our bed. He comes into our room early in the morning quite frequently and then goes back to sleep for awhile cuddled up next to Dad. As soon as his eyes were open, he grabbed Darren's face and said, "Dad! Its my birthday! I'm FIVE!!!" He then started talking about a million miles an hour about his birthday. He asked Darren, "Do I look different? Am I bigger?" We thought is was so cute. He also announced that his PJs still fit, so he must not be too much bigger, but he did suggest that Darren measure him. A little later he also said, "Do I sound bigger?" I told him his voice sounded a little deeper, and he quite liked that answer. What a funny kid! I thought it was funny that he made the connection between growing and changing and his birthday. He then said, "When do I go to school?" I think since we have been telling him he goes to school when he turned five, he was ready to go that minute! I had to explain that he had to wait a few months. It is a conversation I will never forget...or at least I hope I don't!

Logan liked to remind me "I can have whatever I want today. Its my birthday!"

He had his favorite chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast and then opened presents. He said so many funny things opening up his presents. He kept talking about how his dinosaurs were from the "Museum of Ancient Life" and he said "I'm so curious what is in this" as he was opening one of his gifts. Sometimes I wonder if he is 5 or 50! He sounds so grown-up!

He was so excited about everything. The look on his face when he opened his Yoda Star Wars shirt was priceless! I love that he can read the boxes - He says funny stuff off of them. He told us he needed to be careful with his new Star Wars Legos because they are a choking hazard, since it says that on the box. When he got to the last BIG present, (his scooter) he kept saying "I wonder what this big baby is!" I was cracking up! He also wanted to ride it to church, but since we finished opening presents at 10:40 and were still in PJs and church started at 11, it wasn't going to happen....

Logan was so excited to go to Primary on his birthday. As soon as they asked for birthdays to sing to, he was out of his seat and ready to go up and he had the biggest grin on his face during the song. The missionaries came in today to teach a little lesson on the Holy Ghost. Logan loves to raise his hand and answer in Primary and today when they asked a question and called on him, he said "Today is my birthday!" It was TOO cute!!! He loved his little treat bag and was nice enough to share one of his two laffy taffys with his sister, Rylee. What a sweet big brother!

My dad told Logan that to be five, he had to count to five in Japanese and in Spanish. He also told him he had to do five pushups. Logan was a little worried about this and said at the party, "You don't have to pass any tests to be five. You just have a birthday and then you're five."

After he blew out his candles, he made an "acceptance speech" of sorts. It was hilarious! He announced, "I am so happy that it is my birthday. And, I have been waiting to be five years old ....FOREVER! I am so happy that I'm finally five!" This may have been my favorite part of the day.

Logan REALLY wanted to open his Star Wars Lego sets, but I wanted him to wait until after the party so we didn't lose pieces in all the chaos. He could hardly contain himself and kept asking and asking if he could open them. When we had just a few guests left, he politely told them to leave so he could play with his Legos. I wish I could remember how he said it. We were all laughing! Luckily, it was family, so I don't think they were TOO offended!

What a great day! We love our Logan - We are so happy he joined our family FIVE years ago! What a fun five years it has been!


It is almost 3 am! I should be in bed, but I just finished doing some work on Logan's birthday cake and couldn't sleep. I had so many memories rushing through my head of what used to be my tiny baby boy. I just can't seem to grasp the fact that he is now FIVE!!!
Five years ago today was one of the most emotional days of my life! I don't know if I have ever been so scared, happy, excited, nervous, tired.... I think I felt EVERY possible emotion to the fullest!!! This is the day when my sweet Logan was born, 6 weeks early and with a few complications. He came by emergency C-section and the whole thing was a little crazy. I think it may have been the hardest day ever, especially because I didn't get to hold my sweet, new baby boy for 24 hours! But let me tell you, he was worth the wait! Our first family picture and my first time holding Logan! The next few weeks were rough as he spent 2 weeks in the NICU.
My sweet baby boy.
The day he got his feeding tube out! Isn't he tiny???I can't believe that it has been FIVE years!!! I wish I could freeze time and make him stay this little and sweet always. I wish that he would always want to cuddle with me and hold my thumb and be so excited to play Star Wars and have light saber wars with such cute sound effects. I wish that he would always have to have a stuffed animal to tuck into bed with him. I wish that he would always use the magnet board in the toy room as a scoreboard for his many different soccer, basketball, baseball, football and hockey games. I wish that he would always tell me all about dinosaurs and explain to me about herbivores and carnivores and how to pronounce all the names. I wish that he would always play sweet, fun, make-believe games with his little sister. I wish that he wouldn't grow up!!! It is going too fast!
Since we are celebrating his big number FIVE birthday, here are FIVE words to describe our Logan:
1 - LIFE - This boy is SO full of life! I love it!!! He is so curious and excited about everything! One of my favorite memories of him this year is watching him watch Star Wars for the first time and jumping up and down through almost the whole movie because he was SO excited and couldn't contain himself! He is like that about anything and I love to see the excitement in him over the simplest things.
2 - Sweet - I don't know if I have ever seen a little boy who is so cute and cuddly and sweet with others, especially his little sisters. He talks so softly to Avery and always gives me hugs and kisses, even if he does sometimes wipe them off now. :(
3 - Funny - Logan cracks me up everyday! Just yesterday, he wasn't minding and I threatened to cancel his birthday. His response was, "You can't cancel birthdays mom. It's the biggest day of the year!!!"
4 - Friendly - Logan LOVES people and is so friendly! He always wants to invite EVERYONE to his birthday each year and he loves to introduce people, which I think is so funny! He loves having playdates and gets so excited to get together with friends and he really loves all of his family and hates to leave anytime we go someplace with others. He is really outgoing and so happy.
5 - Smart! Logan is so smart! He remembers everything he hears and is a little sponge. One of my favorite things about him right now is that he will disappear and I will find him in some corner with a book! How cute is that? Usually a dinosaur book, but the other day, it was Daddy's Sports Illustrated. It was the World Cup issue and he wanted to tell you all about the "Beautiful Game", because that is what the cover said. I love it!

Happy Birthday little buddy! We Love You to the Moon and Back...x FIVE!!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Egg Hunt at Grandma's

After all the wedding excitement, we spent the night at Darren's parent's house, and had spent the next day hanging out with their house. We spent most of the day watching Conference and visiting with Curt and Carla and Raegan and made a quick Costco run. In the afternoon, we had the traditional Easter egg hunt and the kids had a great time!
Rylee really got into the hunt this time!
Logan searching for eggs.

Avery didn't get to join in the egg hunting fun, but she sure loved sitting on the grass! It was a new experience for her!!! She had a fun first Easter egg hunt at Grandma's. Can you believe this cutie is SIX months old in this picture???

Logan showing off his goodies in his cute basketball basket!

Ry went straight for the chocolate - Smart girl!!!
Avery got a cute little lamb in her basket.
She just wanted to eat the tag - Tags are one of her VERY most favorite things!!!
Avery and her little lamb
Before we left, the kids colored a couple of eggs. Rylee was having so much fun with her girl cousins! It is so fun to get together with everyone and watch the kids play together so cute!
Ry making her egg orange! She did pretty good and didn't get any on her white shirt....What a miracle!!!

It was a fun Easter! After the hunt, the boys went to Priesthood and I headed to my mom's. Darren met me there and then we headed home. It was another crazy weekend of traveling, but we had a great time with the family and were excited for our own Easter hunt the next morning!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kids are funny....

My kids are hilarious and I spend a lot of my time laughing at all the funny things they say. I am not great about writing it all down, but I am trying to be better. The problem is they say SO many funny things, I can't keep track of them all! Here are a few (fairly) recent favorites....

In January, I rented the Michael Jackson movie to watch. I was pretty excited to see it, but I was pretty surprised to find Logan was even more excited than me! My brothers introduced Logan to Michael Jackson music last summer on our vacation, and he knows lots of his music and loves him. When I started the movie, he was asking all sorts of questions about what the movie was about and I told him it was Michael practicing for his concert and he asked why it wasn't the real concert, I explained that Michael died before he could do the concert and lots of people wanted to see it, so that was why there was a movie of the practices so people could see a little of what it would be like. He thought about it for awhile and then he said, "Mom, can I get something to remember Michael Jackson by, like an ornament or something?" I think I laughed about that for a few days! He LOVED watching that movie and knows lots of the moves. His favorite part was the big army of soldiers marching. He know loves to turn on Michael's CD first thing in the morning while he is eating breakfast. Sometimes they even play Micheal Jackson and he tells Rylee that she is "What is Michael's sister's name again? Oh yeah....Janet!" but Rylee calls her "Jam-it!" So funny what they come up with!

Ry says some pretty funny prayers. She always says thanks for "the blessings" which I think is so funny and she will also pray for each family member to "stay safe" individually. Lately, she has been trying anything to delay bedtime, and she has been REALLY dragging out her prayers. For awhile though, she was saying short ones and she would say "Heavenly Father" and then "Amen" and nothing in between. Darren explained to her that we should thank Heavenly Father for blessings and then ask for things we need or want in between. Her next prayer went like this: "Heavenly Father, I want a pink Princess Purse. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." I guess at least she knows what she wants....

We were reading scriptures one night in our Book of Mormon reader with the pictures and Rylee pulled a funny face and said "Ewww....Lamanites have ugly hair!"

I was chopping onions the other day and my eyes were watering really bad. Logan said, "Wow, mom! You must need a Claritin D!"

My kids are a little obsessed with marriage lately. I don't know if it was going to Cory's wedding or all the Princess movies Ry likes to watch or what, but they really like to pretend they are getting married and they play really funny. Rylee thinks that if you dance together, then you are married. Logan is convinced that he is married to the little girl, Melody, down the street because they danced together when she was here. One day, I heard Logan and Rylee talking while I was making lunch. I think Rylee was trying to convince Logan to "marry" her. Logan said, "You are too bossy. I can't marry you! Anyway, you don't marry your sister! You have to marry a friend or something..." A few minutes later I heard him say, "And I am NEVER going to honeymoon you. You are SOOOO bossy!" A few days later, I was telling Rylee I never wanted her to grow up and get married and move away because I would miss her. Logan said, "Well mom, I'm married to Melody and I still live here." He must be pretty convinced that their ceremony was official!

Rylee has lately been noticing more about her body and other people's. I think it might be time to start doing separate baths. The other day, I was getting out of the shower and Rylee came into my bathroom and said, "Wow mom! You have fast boobs!" Does anyone know what that means??? She also was talking to Darren the other day and said something about the "little tail" that he and Logan have. I couldn't stop laughing that time! The other day in the tub, I told Logan to wash his weiner and Rylee said, "A winger?? Is that what its called?" and after we got out of the tub, she kept pointing to her belly button and telling me it was her "winger". I guess we still have some anatomy to learn....

Logan has had his first crush!!! It was a little girl from his soccer team named Nora. He told me that he really needed to have a soccer playdate with her. I asked him why he wanted to have her over so bad and he said, "I REALLY like her soccer moves." The way he said it was hilarious!!! I talked to her mom and scheduled a day, but it was still a little ways off and he was obsessed with knowing when it was going to be. He talked about Nora all the time and he told me, "Mom, I think there is a little problem with Nora. I think she likes Morgan (another little boy from the soccer team) too much!" Yikes! Are we starting with the love triangles already??? We haven't even been to Kindergarten yet!

We were getting ready to go to my nephew's birthday the other day. He and Logan are cute little buddies and he was so excited to go. I mentioned that we needed to stop and get a present and Logan said, "Isn't having me at the party a good enough present?"

We were having breakfast a few days ago and I poured Logan a cup of OJ without noticing that it was the high pulp kind. When he finished his breakfast, he went to dump it in the sink and Darren told him not to waste it. He got really whiny and said, "But Dad! It has FUR in it!!!" I used to call pulp "whiskers" when I was little so I was totally sympathetic and I didn't make him finish it.

Yesterday, I was making Logan practice writing. Logan is SO ready for Kindergarten, except that he isn't too great at making all of his letters, but he hates practicing so I tried to make up a fun game for him to practice with. I told him I would say a letter and he could write a word that started with that letter. I didn't know how he would do, but he did great with it and spelled most of the words without help! My favorite was when I said the letter 'S', Logan started writing, "S-L-A-V-K-I-A". He was writing Slovakia. Do you think someone has been watching a little TOO much World Cup? I guess at least it is serving educational purposes!

isn't going present enough?
orange juice fur

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


On April 2, my cute brother-in-law, Cory got himself hitched to the cutest girl. We adore Katie and are so excited for them and to have her join the family. It was a really fun day and a great wedding and we were so glad to be a part of it. It is the last of the Webber least for the first time around, as was mentioned several times throughout the day. This picture is after they kicked us after of the temple waiting room because we were being too loud. Aren't they a cute couple???They were sealed in the Draper Temple in the afternoon. It was so nice and really relaxed! I didn't get any pictures at the temple because I was FREEZING and it was SO windy, as you can see from her veil. I took a few from Katie's photographer.

Darren and his brothers. I guess he didn't get the memo about what color suit to wear.
The Webber Bunch - We are all freezing if you can't tell! I'm pretty sure it was MUCH warmer when we got married in December! After the temple, we made a quick stop at In-N-Out. No Webber family function would be complete without an In-N-Out burger when you are so close.... Then we rushed back to Darren's parent's house to get the kids ready and out to the reception. Darren's mom's good friend, Lori, watched our kids at the house during the temple. She was so great and they LOVED her! I think Rylee talked her ear off and Logan got her to let him hold her thumb lots so he was happy! Rylee had so much fun with Lori, but she kept calling her "Loria", like Gloria from Madagascar but without the G. I thought that was really cute. We were a little late for the reception in typical Webber style, but we were not the most late, so it was OK! The cute bride and groom at the reception - I love her bouquet! The kids were a little crazy while we were waiting for pictures - Here is Rylee spinning around in her pink dress. Here is Logan showing off a few break dancing movesAnd here is Avery with Madi. Poor Madi's clothes were in someone else's car and she had to wait for them to come.
The kids were really excited to go to the reception and loved having matching clothes with their cousins! Here are the cute girl cousins, minus Madi and Raegan. Aren't they adorable in their pink dresses? The boys in their cute ties
Cute Katie with all her inherited nieces and nephews. They ADORE her!!!

They also wanted us to get some pictures as families. Ours didn't turn out great - My hair is still looking pretty wind blown from the temple pictures and I don't think that we are all looking or smiling in any of them, but here is the best we got.

Not all of us look good in one picture..... Its getting hard to get good ones!!!
The whole Webber bunch! I love Logan in this one - It really shows his personality! Too bad he is totally covering my niece....
Darren and his brothers again
The reception was a lot of fun and I think they thought of everything. The decorations were amazing and the place they had it was so great! There was even a separate room for the kids to hang out with pizza and games and movies and BABYSITTERS and they had a blast! We got to enjoy a delicious dinner and a really nice program without worrying if our kids were being noisy or using good manners. It was perfect! We sat with Brian and Val and Madi and Parker. Avery got to join the adults since she was a little too small for the chaos in the kids room.
Darren and I - Darren's brother, Brian, kept getting his finger in our pictures. First, he put his hand in so it looked like he was picking Darren's nose and then he flipped the bird. We finally got one without his hand in it!
Avery fell asleep during dinner all wrapped up with Aunt Val. She is the BEST baby! After dinner, they had a nice program with a few little speeches and some musical numbers and then started the dancing. Cory and Katie had a little choreographed number similar to one on the Office they did to start things off. It was great! They let the kids out of their room to join the dancing and be a part of all the wedding excitement. I don't know if it was a good idea or not. They kind of took over the dance floor! My nephews were all attempting breakdancing moves and were laying across the whole floor trying to do the worm and other moves. They had a lot of fun. Avery was having a great time dancing with her cousin, Sophey. They were so cute together! I think this is the first time they have discovered each other - Sophey is about 13 months and Avery is about 6 in this picture. I think these pictures are too sweet!!!
Avery loved the dancing!
Rylee and daddy dancing
I thought Rylee would love the dancing but for some reason she thought standing in this windowsill was the most fun thing to do. I kept finding her there all night. And she LOVED all the candy from the candy table!!!
Logan dancing with his buddy, Mason. They are the cutest cousins and had SO much fun dancing together! They looked so much alike it was funny to watch.
They played a little Michael Jackson, so Logan was immediately excited and showing off his moves. Aunt Kim tried to show him how to moonwalk. He told me later that he doesn't like the moonwalk - he prefers his own moves....
Avery is cute, too. She is only 6 months old and this is already her 2nd wedding!!!
Logan and Mason, again.
Rylee eating more candy. She also really loved the fun necklace she got to make in the kids room.
Rylee and her cousin Raegan. They are cute little friends.

The highlight of the evening was watching Cory and Curt bust out their signature dance move.... I don't know if they have a name for it, and there are NO words to described it but I almost peed my pants watching it happen. After dancing, the bride and groom left. We were supposed to light sprinklers, but it was raining hard outside, so we didn't get to. It was such a fun wedding though. I LOVE weddings and I am a little sad there will be no more Webber ones. At least I still have 4 unmarried siblings on my side.... Congrats Cory and Katie! We love you and are SO happy for you!!!