Monday, August 31, 2009

Bear Lake - Day 1 and 2

My whole family spent a week in July at my parent's time share in Bear Lake. We had a great time playing at the beach and doing lots of fun things! We got up there and checked in on Saturday, July 11th and then went to visit some extended family and have dinner with them. They have a mobile home up there in the summer and the kids had a great time playing on their property.
Rylee playing in the rocks - She loves to get dirty!!!
Logan had fun running around, too and playing with my 2nd cousin Nikki's little boy. They took him for a ride on their Rhino and he had a great time. His face was hilarious when they came back! He looked scared to death, but he assured us it was "awesome"!
Little climbers
Logan, Griffin (my cousin Christopher's little boy) and Rylee looking for some adventure
Three Amigos hanging out when they weren't digging in the dirt! Logan, Griffin and Rylee
Some of the adults waiting to eat dinner - My sister Heather, her hubby Jay and me ( I didn't know I was in the pic...)
Some more of the clan - my brother Brad, sister Vanessa and soon to be sister-in-law Laura. She was SO brave to come on the trip with all of us for almost the whole week without my brother!
Rylee and her Grandpa - She loves to boss him around!
That was about it for our fun on Saturday! We had a great time seeing a lot of the family that we rarely see and the kids were SO dirty! My Uncle Ric and Aunt Joan and cousin Christopher and his wife Tiff and their little boy Griffin also stayed with us that night so it was a little crowded at the timeshare but really fun! My uncle Ric was giving Griff a bath and my kids wanted to join in the fun, so they had a big tub party and had such a blast! Kids love tubs and my Uncle Ric! I won't post any naked pictures, but they had an awesome tub party. Rylee did was her face all by herself with lots of soap and got tons in her eyes, but she did pretty good with it and still wanted to stay in.
Sunday, we went to sacrament meeting and then had a big yummy dinner with the whole family before Uncle Ric and Aunt Joan and Christopher and his family had to leave.
I wish this picture had turned out better - The kids were so cute chilling with Uncle Brad Sunday morning while Darren and I fixed breakfast (we all had different meal assignments and it worked out great!)
After church, the boys got into a pretty serious game of Scum. We spent most of Sunday evening just hanging out and playing games and my sister did some hair for us.
Logan kept getting into all the games and getting out the pieces and using them to make up his own games. These are the pieces from one of the games and the dice and he is doing some bowling - So creative!
Rylee and Grandpa on a walk - She is always telling him "C'mon Grandpa! Outside!" and he does pretty much everything she says. It was a good day for a walk though.
We didn't do much exciting that weekend, but had lots of fun the rest of the week at the beach and some other fun activities, so stay tuned! It was a very different vacation for my family of mostly just hanging out and not as crazy as our usual vacation so it was kind of nice to relax a little!

Friday, August 28, 2009

4th of July

We had a really busy 4th of July weekend and had so much fun celebrating with family and friends! Gotta love crazy holidays - It always seems like some sort of marathon to squeeze all the events in!!! Our festivities started on July 2nd when we went to the 3 Dog Night Concert as part of the Cruise-In Car Show. We bought both of our parents tickets as a Mother/Father's Day present, so we went with all 6 of us and had lots of fun!
Me and Darren - We were some of the youngest people there but I knew a lot of the songs anyway! I don't know which was more fun - the band or watching all the crazies!!! There was one girl who was only half clothed and watching her was awesome! I guess she thought she was dancing, but it looked like she was auditioning for some sort of "adult" video and she did the same thing over and over. It was entertaining for sure!
My parents
Darren's parents

We had a great time! My sister watched the kiddies and we even got to go to a nice adult only dinner before the concert. It was a pretty fancy restaurant and I think most of the people were a little surprised when Bill (Darren's dad) belted out "Jeremiah was a Bullfrog!" for the whole restaurant to hear! It was a really fun night! We were worried it was going to rain on us and even went and bought ponchos, but the rain passed us over.
On the 3rd, we met up with our parents and also a few of my siblings (Vanessa, Brad and Kyle) to go to the Cruise-In Car show. Darren really likes this kind of thing and we thought our dads would like it, too. It was a fun morning and Logan really got into it as well.
As soon as we got there, Logan saw this Hummer and HAD to have his picture taken with it.
Aren't' they just cute?
My Rylee ready for the car show!
Logan LOVED the cars, but might have loved the license plates even more. He was pointing out letters and numbers to us all day long.
Logan thought this car looked just like Sheriff from the movie Cars so he had to have a picture with it, too.
One of the car owners was really nice and let the kids sit in his car and pretend to drive. They thought that was the coolest thing ever!
Logan's turn
Rylee found herself a "pink" car! Rylee got a shoulder ride from Aunt Vanessa. They love having grandma/pas and aunts and uncles around. They get pretty much anything they want!
Logan really liked that the flag he got matched his shirt!
We took a little snack break and the kids had fun running around and being silly. Since I had so many other people around to entertain the kids I got to take lots of pictures (even more than usual!)

Logan found this funny curved stick and put it on his head and told us he was a yak. Funny kid!

Handsome boy
Waving their flags!
Since Grandpa Bill was there, they also got treated to an ice cream cone! Yummm!!!

Once her ice cream was gone, Rylee was DONE! She was so tired! I loved how she sat in her stroller with her feet up. She was asleep after just a few minutes in the car and slept through our whole lunch at the Chinese place. My family stayed with us for the whole weekend so we had a good time with them and the kids were in heaven with so many people to pay attention to them.
The night of the 3rd, we headed to the Stadium for the annual firework show, which was so great as usual! We had lots of fun and the kids loved it! No one else wanted to brave the crowds with us, so it was just the 4 of us, but we had a great time.
Ready for the fireworks to start!
Logan wasn't real sure about all the noise! The band was...interesting! It was folk music with a flute and clarinet or something and a little boring, but I guess Logan thought it was a little loud.
Monkey see, Monkey do! Rylee wanted to cover her ears up, too!
Dad and the kiddies!
Me and the kids!
Family photo
I didn't bring Rylee a binky and she was getting pretty tired, so she started sucking her thumb. Hmmm...Where do you think she has seen that before?
Logan and Dad enjoying the firework show
The morning of the 4th, we went to Hyrum for the parade. We were supposed to meet up with our friends, the Lifferth's, but we were late and couldn't find them and ended up just finding a place. The kids loved the parade and came away with a TON of candy!
Decked out for the 4th and ready for the parade!

Scavenging for candy

Rylee loved waving to all the "Princesses" in the parade
Logan just chilling and watching the parade
Rylee is the candy queen! She could spot it really far away and weasel her way in there even among the bigger kids. She had no fear and would run way out into the road if there was candy in sight!
Me and Rylee saying CHEESE!
Dad and Logan heading back to the car

After the parade, we really didn't have any plans. At the last minute, we decided to drive to Darren's parent's house for a BBQ and swimming, since we didn't want to spend the 4th of July alone and the kids were excited to see their cousins. My sister-in-law was nice enough to bring us some things so we didn't have to go home and we hit the road to Salt Lake.
The fam at Grandma and Grandpa's house

Logan ready to jump in the pool! He thought it was so fun to jump in with everyone else!
When we got there, we could hear everyone at the pool chanting names. They had been there for awhile and were taking turns running and jumping in. Then they decided to all jump in together! I think the came close to emptying the pool!
Rylee actually got in and swam for awhile, which she won't usually do with so many people in the pool. She loved the kickboard and had lots of fun splashing around and swimming with Grandma.
Rylee floating around
Logan having a great time!
Logan loves to swim!
Rylee chilling poolside! This is where she usually prefers to hang out.

Rylee eating her corn on the cob for dinner - This is one of her favorite foods if you can't tell! My parents took her to a company dinner the other night and she stole the corn off someone else's plate and starting eating theirs, too. The girl can eat!
Rylee and another one of her expressions!
Rylee and her cousin Raegan eating watermelon. They are the cutest little friends!
After dinner, we headed to Darren's brother Brian's house for some fireworks! The kids especially loved doing sparklers and throwing pop-its!
Logan was really into doing sparklers and liked to write his name
Rylee and Raegan playing together. They are so funny to watch - They both like to tell the other one what to do!
Cute cousins!

Logan didn't like the fountains that made the loud screaming noise!
Me and Rylee watching the fireworks
We got away much later than we hoped and as we were loading up to leave, Brian's dog Raja jumped into our car! I think she was pretty set on going home with us and Logan and Rylee loved it! They would be totally happy with a new dog! We took Raja for a little ride around the block and then headed home. We got home SO late but had a great time with our family!
Here are the kids ready for church the next day. They really didn't want to get up - especially for 8:30 church, but they did all right and we all had a nice nap that day!