Thursday, October 30, 2008


I hope everyone is having a fabulous Halloween! We have been having lots of fun the last few days. I'm sure I will give full details on our activities soon. On Tuesday, me and my sister took the kids up Logan Canyon for some Halloween pictures in their costumes. She has a very nice camera and is hoping to someday be a photographer, so I figured that my kids would be good for her to practice on! She took 311 pictures!!! I love how many she can take at once and how fast her camera is - She can get stuff that I never would be able to capture! Some of them turned out very cute, so I thought I would share them for Halloween! There are a lot - Remember.... I had 311 to choose from! Thanks Nessa!

Logan is Buzz Lightyear this year...again! I tried to convince him to be something else, but he only wanted to be Buzz. For a little while, he was determined to be Peter Pan, but then he decided that he would rather wear Buzz. On Sunday, he told everyone at church he wanted to be SuperWhy, (a character from a PBS cartoon) so I tried to find the costume, but it was sold out everywhere!!! I should have been crafty and made it for him, but the next morning, he was back to wanting to be Buzz anyway. I was a little sad since he was Buzz last year and I wanted him to be something new, but it is about what he wants, right? The costume he is wearing is actually a different Buzz costume than last year. I found it at the Disney store after Halloween last year for $2.50! I couldn't pass it up, even though he already had one. I figured it would be a good back-up or he could play Buzz with a friend. This one is a little nicer. It has light up wings, better boots and hood and gloves! He LOVES to be Buzz Lightyear and call star command and say "To Infinity and Beyond!" It was pretty hard to get pictures of him because he kept flying all around on his "mission"!
"To Infinity and Beyond".... Logan is excited for blast off! Pretty intense!
This is my favorite!
Silly faces!!!

Rylee is Nemo this year and the cutest little fish I have EVER seen! (No offense to the other fish out there...) I found this costume last year at the Disney store for $3!!! What a bargain - That brings our grand Halloween total to $5.50 - I don't think I could do better at Savers or the DI! She loves her costume and wants to wear it all the time. She will even make fish faces and noises for us. My favorite part is her funny little tail on the back. She is so funny about having her picture taken - She either wants nothing to do with it and cries, or is all smiles and "CHEESE"! Isn't she adorable? Here are my favorites of Rylee.
This one is not the cutest photo, but it is a classic Rylee face, so I had to include it!
I love her little tail poking out of the tree - She waddles around so cute in her costume!

Getting the two of them to take pictures together was the tricky part. Even with 311 pictures, there weren't a lot of pictures with both of them actually looking and smiling! We had a lot of fun on our little photo shoot though.

I thought Logan looked so funny propped up on the pumpkin like this. Rylee isn't too happy...
HUGS!!! They wouldn't stop looking at the waterfall long enough to get a picture of them looking at the camera.I love these! So cute! Rylee loves to hold hands and drag Logan along.
Cute one of Rylee, but Logan can't stop looking at the water...
Cute one of Logan, but now Rylee is crying. So hard to coordinate that!
We are really excited for Halloween this year! We are going to spend the day at the zoo, which the kids are really excited for and then visit both Grandma's houses. We have never been able to do that on Halloween with the kids, so we are excited to share it with our families and show off our cute kids! I still don't know what I am going to dress up as. Darren is going to be David Beckham, so I was thinking of being Victoria, but I don't think I can pull it off. I will probably be lame and wear a pair of Darren's scrubs like I do every year. Happy Halloween everyone!


Jenn said...

such cute kids! and a steal on the costumes. drew is looking at it will me saying i want to be buzz i want to be nemo, and i want to play with Logan

Wehrle said...

so cute! Elliott says.... hey Loagn the boy is buzz mom... can we play with him today! Sad! Miss you guys!

Clark Family said...

Very cute pictures!!

Karmann said...

So I saw the page of them in their costumes and called Ryan over and he just started laughing and was like they are so cute and just couldnt get over how cute Rylee looks as NEMO! What a steal of a deal and how stinkin cute!!!

Sorry that my phone sucks and we didnt meet up! Looks like you had a good trip my little happy picture taking friend!!! love you!!

Mical said...

Looks like fun. I can't believe how cheap you got those costumes for. I got one of maddi's hannah montana costumes at the Disney store this last week for 12.50 and I thought I did good. You have always been the best bargain shopper!!