Sunday, October 5, 2008


I've been tagged!!! The rules: link the person who tagged you.Mention rules on your blog. Tell about 6 quirks of yours. Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same. Leave a comment to let them know.

1. I have a picture problem, which is probably obvious to anyone who checks my blog. I take picture (after picture, after picture...) of EVERYTHING! Then I can never choose just one... I have to print (or post) so many! I love taking pictures and having pictures done and hanging pictures in my house.... you get the PICTURE!! Haha!

2. I clean backwards.... I am NOT a clean freak, as anyone who knows me is well aware...especially my hubby! However, there are certain things that I am completely wierd about... For instance, everything in my closet needs to hang in a certain order, by season and by color, or my house can look like a tornado has hit, and I will alphabatize our movies, or clean under the fridge. I get this from my mom, so its not my fault! I really like to organize and label, but not clean... kind of wierd I guess!

3. I yell a lot at sporting events, much to the dismay of my husband. I can't help it... I get this one for my dad. I yell at games, when I watch on TV...wherever. The worst was when I coached Jr High girls basketball... Darren hated that I paced the sidelines and yelled a lot... He always was telling me to sit down. I am a little worried about what will happen when Logan starts sports! I also love going to Aggie games, which some people might consider a quirk since the football team is not good, but is looking better.

4. I LOVE a good bargain and can't pass them up! I loved the outlets in Vegas because I could always score such great stuff. I head immediately to the clearance section in whatever store I am in and shop seasons ahead for my kids. I rarely buy anything not on sale, and it is rare that I pay more than $5 for things for my kids unless it is special purchase or a must have item. I don't know why, but I just love getting good deals! It is an adrenaline rush for me!

5. I am a sucker for Reality TV and get completely sucked in! I can't turn it off because I have to know what happens, even though I don't really like the shows that much. It is somewhat annoying and I have to be very careful of what I watch.

6. I want to be crafty and do everything I see, but I can never seem to get around to completing projects I plan - I am an awful procrastinor and perfectionist and if it is not going to look exactly how I want, then I don't want to do it! I also get a picture in my mind of what I want, and then can never find exactly what I am looking for and get incredibly frustrated!!! For instance, right now, I am trying to put some letters in Rylee's room, but I can't find an acceptable ribbon to hang it with and I can't paint them until I know what colors are in the ribbon... you see the problem!!!

I tag Heather, Karmann, Annie, Jenn, Melissa, Summer and anyone else who feels the need!!!

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