Monday, October 13, 2008

Scabs and Boogers

Sometimes it is very apparent to me that Logan is ALL boy! Lately, he has been doing some extremely gross things that make me think - "REALLY? Are you serious?"
For instance.... The other day, he fell and skinned his knee pretty bad and has a huge scab on his knee. For some reason, whenever he is just sitting or not doing anything, he thinks it is a good idea to LICK his scab - Yes...I said LICK! What could that possibly taste like? I have considered taking a lick just to see what the appeal of it is, but quickly decided that that is just plain GROSS! I have no idea why he does this...
Thursday we took a drive up the canyon to see the fall leaves before they are covered in snow. I should first say that Logan is an obsessive nose picker, and when I catch him, he hurries to lick his finger before I can take it away. Am I missing out on something by not eating my boogers? It would seem so by how intensely Logan eats his! Anyway - While we were driving, Darren must have been itching his nose (at least that is his story...) because Logan said, "Ew, Dad are you picking your nose?" Darren told him he was just itching his nose (yeah, right...) and then asked Logan if he picked his nose. Logan's response cracked us up and left me totally disgusted - He said, "Yeah, My Boogs taste SOOOOO Good!" Ewww.
Logan is definitely good entertainment! Last night, we were watching Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, which is kind of a Sunday tradition at our house. Logan kept leaving the room, then coming back in and saying "Oh My Gosh!" and pretending he was part of the reveal. Darren and I thought it was quite funny! He also has quite the imagination these days. This morning at breakfast, he was carrying on a conversation with "Bron Bron" (LeBron James). He was saying "Good Shot Bron, Bron" and "Go Bron Bron, Number 16." I really don't know where he gets this stuff! He also has been pretending to play a lot of video games lately, especially DT Racers since he plays that with his Uncles at Grandmas house.
He has also been wanting to wear his Aggie football jersey around the house and then he pretends he is at the game. Sometimes he is the football players - He is pretty creative about setting up the football in different items for kick off (Aunt Vanessa's bracelet or Daddy's shoe) and then he says things in his announcer voice like "Incomplete" or "The Ball Carrier". I guess he does pay attention! He also says "And Now Welcome to the Field - the AGGIE MARCHING BAND!" and then sings some songs that they play, like the fight song or the Scotsman or other random ones. He also says other phrases from the game like "Watch the screen to play the AT&T Shuffle" or "Good Luck Josh" and plays some half-time game. It is so funny! He seems to remember everything he ever hears. He is always saying stuff from commercials like "coming soon on Disney DVD" or he loves to sing the Subway "5 Dollar Foot Longs" song.
Logan is also really into his ABC's and point them out everywhere we go. He has this cute little Leapfrog video that teaches the alphabet sounds and he sings it all the time - "The A says ah, the A says ah, every letter makes a sound, the A says ah." It is so cute! He is always shouting letters! He loves to try and figure out what everything starts with. The only thing is that he is usually reading them backwards - This morning he read the letters off his football as "L-F-N" and it took me awhile to figure out what he was talking about.
He may be gross sometimes, but he is still so sweet! I love his cuddles and all the loves and kisses he gives. Yesterday, he even shared the love with the people behind us at church. I have no idea who the couple even were, but I was taking care of Rylee, and looked and Logan was on the row behind us, having her read to him and playing with her thumb (another habit of his I will never understand!) What would we do without him? We Love You Logan!


Clark Family said...

This kid kills me!! He's so funny! I think you need to blog the boogy story of Darren reading him a bedtime story. (The sock...) That's a favorite of mine.

Funky Farmers said...

Yummy! Boogies. You gotta love boys. And for some reason they get away with it, even when they are all grown up. Why cant it be that easy for us girls? :)

Annie said...

Logan makes me smile, I love that he licks his scab that is so gross that it is cool. I won't ever understand the whole thumb thing either???

Haley said...

Hello! I am Annie's sister in law -the one you saw at the ADA Convention... Just stopped by to say hi! I still think that is so random that we ran into you there with all the thousands of people we could have run into. Cute family! Maybe we'll meet you again sometime.