Sunday, October 12, 2008

The White Stuff

Yes...It is true! There is already snow here in Utah! I am sitting here watching the news with kids actually out sledding in it and it is barely October. I guess we were lucky - We only got a little flurry here and there and nothing stuck to the ground. The snow started yesterday morning, and my kids were SO excited! They were both watching the snow and jumping up and down on the couch. Logan was asking to make a snowman - something he has been looking forward to now that we don't live in sunny Las Vegas - but I think that would have been difficult with the small amount of flakes coming, and the fact that none of them really stuck to the ground. I was on my way to the store and asked Logan if he needed anything and he told me he needed "a snow coat". On the way to church today, Logan was going SO slow because he was trying to catch as many snowflakes as possible on his tongue all the way there. Rylee isn't as big of a fan of the snow - She loves to watch it out the window but when we go outside she says "Cold, Cold" and does the little sign by shaking her fists and it is adorable. We had to go to the store on Saturday and get snow pnats and stuff for the kids so that they will have gear to wear. This is all new for us but I think a winter will be kind of fun....for a couple weeks! Sledding and snowmen are things my kids have missed out on so far. However, I don't know if I am prepared for a full season of snow and cold!

The good news is that this is Utah and the weather changes daily and it should be close to 70 degress next week. The even BETTER news is that Darren and I are leaving this week for Texas where temperatures are close to 90 degrees! Yes - Darren and I are going on a trip - JUST THE TWO OF US! This has NEVER happened since we have had kids, so we are really excited and really nervous! I'm not sure how the kids will do, but hopefully it will be OK! Thank goodness for Grandma and Grandpa and some aunts who will do some babysitting! Darren will spend some time in classes since we are going for the Dental Convention, and I will get some time to blog, work on some Christmas projects, read and relax by the pool - Yeah! I have been trying to get a post done about Rylee at 18 months, but I haven't quite finished it yet, so maybe this will be my chance. I think it will be hard to be away for the kiddies and I know that I will REALLY miss them, but a little R&R and sun is sounding good to me right now!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

I hate the snow...I didn't see the email yet for what you'd like for the Christmas projects. You may have to just tell me over the phone so I can get it to you in time for your trip. And I'm so excited to play with these monkeys while your away!! Still on for haircuts tomorrow??