Sunday, October 5, 2008

September Stuff...

I liked doing the monthly recap post last month and decided to try and make it a regular thing, although with me, it might not last long. So, here is some of our regular, everyday "stuff" from the month of September. I thought this was a rather boring month, but I actually found a lot of funny pictures of the kids. We have really been enjoying the great weather right now - not too hot and not cold YET! I love this time of year and the changing colors! Here is what we did this month!

Here is one last swimming day at Grandma and Grandpa Webber's house. We went down for our nephew Taylor's Baptism. He was so cute and so excited to get baptized and we are so proud of him! After the baptism, we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's and since the cousins were swimming, the kids didn't want to miss out! Logan LOVES swimming...especially with his cousins!

My goofy niece Madi showing off her interesting fashion....Since we didn't plan on swimming, my kids didn't have suits to wear. Here is Rylee in her swim diaper and water wings. I thought she looked kind of funny. I was hoping she wouldn't want to get in the pool since we didn't have suits, but she of course wouldn't stay out of the water! This is when she was DONE for the day!
Our front yard is mostly used for Logan to play some type of sport - Here is a golf day! Look at that swing! He loves these clubs, but they are so dangerous indoors...I'm glad that he has a place to play outside now.
What concentration!
Logan is really into helping in the kitchen. He loves to push a chair into the kitchen and help crack the eggs and mix things and is very interested in what I am doing. His favorite part is to lick the beaters!
These pictures are from one of our "popsicle days" out on the front porch after dinner. Rylee LOVES popsicles and says the word so cute, along with the sign - It always makes me laugh and so she always gets one. It is starting to get a little cold for this now, so we will miss our popsicles on the porch!
Rylee sharing with Daddy - Her tongue in this picture makes me laugh every time! I think she is showing Dad what to do.
My little porch monkeys
Ry and her popsicle- and yes - she is just in a diaper! She makes a HUGE mess with her popsicles so I just strip her down. Our neighbors probably think she never has clothes because she always escapes in her diaper after we eat dinner or she is out with her popsicles!
I had my camera out for popsicles and then Logan got stung by a bee. Darren told me it was mean to take a picture of it, but it was his first bee sting, so I took pictures anyway. I think he stepped on a bee. He was insistent that it was not a bee sting though - I don't think he wanted the bees to get a bad wrap...
What a sad little boy! He was trying so hard not to cry. Darren put some mud on his foot and he kept saying "It's not a sting!"
Since Dad was putting mud on Logan, Rylee decided to join in and started putting mud on all of our feet. She loves to get into the dirt and to get dirty!
Our kids climbed into these shelves... They thought it was so funny when Darren closed the glass on them! The bad thing was they started thinking they should do this all the time. Not such a good habit! They love to be silly - especially together!
Logan and his pull-up and potty treats! This was his first day with a pull-up. We are still working hard on the potty training, but not too hard since Darren and I are going out of town and I don't want someone else to have to do that. He is starting to do better and even stayed dry all day the other day. However, I still have to put him on the potty all the time. He doesn't usually tell me that he needs to go. We did have a breakthrough the other day at Michael's. We were there shopping and Logan told me he had to go #2, so we rushed to the potty and he actually made it! He likes to tell people that he "pooped at Michael's" when the potty topic comes up.
Here is Rylee crashed out during lunch one day - I always think it is funny when they fall asleep eating!This is my little brother Kyle who turned 9 in September, sporting his birthday present - a batman getup with wings that shoot out when you pull the string. Rylee is pretty nervous about it. He thinks he is pretty cool with his batman outfit and his new gun.
Here is Uncle Dean, Uncle Kyle and Logan building with Spongebob Legos - This is definately a Dean gift! Logan loves his uncles and thinks everything they do is so cool.
Logan and Rylee with the birthday boy Uncle Kyle

Here is a little Halloweeen preview ... Rylee is going to be Nemo and she LOVES her costume and wants to wear it all the time. She goes around saying "Fishy" and "Melmo" (her combination of Elmo and Nemo) and makes little fishy noises, smacking her lips.
Logan loves Ry's costume too, but thinks that it is a football helmet and wears it on his head and then hikes the football. Funny kid!

Here is Rylee putting together an ensemble -- She is really into dressing herself lately and it is pretty funny. She is wearing a pair of Logan's shorts, with her pjs over them and both legs in one hole so that it looks like a skirt and is trying to add a shirt. She is already developing an opinion on her clothes...scary!
Rylee in her shopping cart - she thought this was a funny place to sit
Rylee loves to be outside
Here is Logan doing some soccer practicing. He insisted on wearing his biking knee pads for some reason. He does have shin guards, but he wanted these. He looks a little goofy but loved shooting goals. He spends most of his time playing sports in the front yard - football, golf, tennis, soccer, basketball, baseball... pretty much anything!
If you look closely, you will notice some paint on Logan's stomach. He was painting, so I took off his shirt to avoid a mess. Then I noticed he was painting on his stomach. When I asked him why, he told me it was for the Aggie game. I guess he wanted to be one of those crazies with the painted chests - He does pay attention at the games.

Rylee loves to sleep with her stuffed animals, blankie and sip cup tucked under he arm. She looks too cute!
We spent one Saturday this month at the Farmer's Market and really liked it. We got some delicious fresh lemonade and some veggies and a churro with carmel filling - Yum!!! I also found some cute bows for Rylee. The Farmer's Market is an interesting crowd. The band playing was a group of older women called "The Hot Flashes" After the Market, we went to the park...
Rylee loves to hang and swing on everything right now - even our bathroom sink at home!
Rylee was pretty worried about this bridge at first, but she quickly conquered it
My cute Logan playing at the park
Here is another day at the park. Logan climbed this tree all by himself and I was pretty surprised. He is my cautious child. He was so proud of himself and looked so cute up there.

Rylee loves to take time to smell the flowers. She shakes her head around and makes this LOUD sniffing noise - It is pretty funny!

Rylee loves to draw lately and is always trying to get a hold of stuff to write with. She discovered sidewalk chalk and LOVES it! She was writing everywhere. When she writes, she says "A, A, H, R" and lots of random letters. It makes me laugh.
These pictures crack me up! Logan was having one of his days where he is so into his imagination. Our front yard was the zoo and he was going back and forth to the different "habitats" and he was feeding his animals with this bucket of chalk. He was cracking me up! Then he stopped and told me to take his picture with "the buffalo"! I thought it was hilarious! He has had a lot of imaginary friends lately. The other day, he answered the door and told me it was Pooh, Rabbit and Tigger and he was carrying on a full conversation with them doing lots of different voices for all of them. He is so funny and has such a vivid imagination!
Logan feeding the animals
Since Logan was posing with the "animals", Rylee wanted to join in too. She wants to do everything just like Logan!

We are excited for the month of October, although I can't believe September is gone! There are some fun things to look forward to in Oct:

More of Logan's soccer games(post still to come...)
A visit from the White's
Darren is going to the 1st Real Salt Lake game in the new stadium and is SO excited!!!
More Aggie football
Darren and I are taking our FIRST trip away from the kids to San Antonio!
More beautiful fall weather and beautiful fall colors
Halloween - I LOVE this holiday and getting the kids all dressed up! If only I could get Logan to decide on a costume!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

Wow! What a fun month, although you forgot the start of The Office.