Sunday, October 5, 2008

Our Nursery Girl!

The Sunday before General Conference was Rylee's first day in the Nursery (September 28th). I did cheat and take her one day early, but I figured it was close enough. She has been wanting to go in for the last couple months. When we drop Logan off she says "toys, toys" and keeps saying it during Sunday School, and sometimes will even go to the door and cry to leave, so I was hoping that she would really like going. She has been going through a rough phase of separation anxiety lately, just when I thought she was over it! To my surprise, she went right into nursery and did just great. I think that it really helped to have Logan there. I kept checking through the window and she was doing fine. They had subs and I was a little worried for them. After a few minutes, I relaxed and decided she was going to be great! Just as I settled in Sunday School, the nursery leaders showed up with Logan - He pooped in his diaper! Well, that set Rylee off. She did not like Logan leaving, especially when the teacher said the word "MOM". When I checked she was SCREAMING and kicking the nursery leader who was trying to hold her. So, I decided to take her out. So, she lasted all of about 10 minutes. We took care of Logan's diaper, and tried to get her to go back in, but she realized we were gone and she was done! I am hoping after a week away, maybe she will forget about her drama and go back! These pictures are of our big girl after her first day...or first 10 minutes...of nursery!

This last picture is of Logan on his 1st day of Nursery in January 2007. I think it is fun to compare their pictures at the same age. I think there is quite a resemblance. What do you think? Logan LOVED nursery and still does! I am hoping that Rylee will soon love it, too! She is starting to love to color pictures and loves to do "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes", "Popcorn Popping" with the actions and "Once There Was a Snowman" and she of course LOVES snacks, so I think she is all ready! What happened to my little baby?


Karmann said...

Cant believe it is time for nursery!!! She is so big! I was wondering how she would take it though, she is a mama's girl!! Hopefully it will get better! she looks so cute and yup they do look like brother and sister!

Clark Family said...

She's getting way too old. You're going to have to stop her and Logan from getting any bigger please!!

Jennie said...

How cute is she! I can't believe how big she is! She does look alot like Log too! Does she stay in nursery? That's my hardest part! :)