Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dino Park!!!

A couple weeks ago, I took the kiddies and met my good friend, Melissa and her little boy Ryker at the Dinosaur Park in Ogden. We had such a fun day! The kids loved it and it was so fun for me to hang out with Melissa again! We haven't been to the Dinosaur park since Logan was one and he really got into it this time. We met and had some lunch and then headed out to check out all the cool dinos... During lunch, we could "hear" the dino roars and the kids were pretty nervous! Logan kept asking if there were roller coasters because that is what he thought the sound was I guess (too much Disney!) He was a little wary of the dinosaurs for awhile (especially since they were making noises) but finally realized they were just stautes and warmed up to them pretty quickly. As always, I picked way too many pics for this post and probably should have done a slide show - I just can't choose! Here are Logan and Rylee with the T-Rex

Ready to go at the Park - Logan loves looking at maps!This was one of the first dinos that we posed with and Logan was pretty nervous about getting close...Logan and Ryker are the best little buddies! They are only 3 days apart and so much alike! They both love their sports jerseys and also both had their maps out the whole time and were directing us where to go - It was so cute. They had so much fun together and it was so funny to watch them.Still checking out their maps!This is Logan and Ryker doing some "Dino Dancing"! I had no idea what this was, but one of them suggested it and I guess the other one knew exactly what to do, because they were both totally into it! I thought it was so hilarious!

Here are some classic digging for dino bone pics! The kids all really liked doing this... Especially Rylee!

It is so hard to get 2 kids together in a picture, but 3 might be impossible! These are the best we could do with the 3 kiddies together!Don't these 2 just look like the cutest friends?

Logan and Rylee and the Triceratops
Me and my kiddies!
Ry was a great sport to tag along with the boys all day and did pretty good, even without a nap. She especially loved playing at the playground!
Logan liked all these funny photo places...even if it doesn't look like it!

Logan and Rylee being silly - I thought this was so funny of Ry trying to get her head in for a photo!

Feeding the ducks was also a highlight - My kids ALWAYS love this!
This is not a great photo, but I had to include it because of my funny Logan! We did all the outside stuff first and then went in to see the robotic dinosaurs inside. When Logan heard us say that, he kept saying that we were going to see the "romantic" dinosaurs (instead of robotic). He even came home and told Darren about the "romantic" dinosaurs he saw that could move and roar! I thought it was so funny!Logan and Rylee at the end of the day! They were done!
Here are a couple pictures of all 5 of us! I loved going with Melissa because she is as photo obsessed as me and takes lots of pictures too! I never had to feel bad about stopping us to get a picture because she stopped lots too - We got so many fun photos from our day because we were both constantly shooting pictures. Maybe that is one of the reasons we are such good friends! Melissa had the great idea to set the camera up a few times and take a picture of all of us with the timer -Yeah for pictures with everyone in them!
Before we left, we stopped by the gift shop and I let Logan choose something. He chose this little egg that you put in water and it hatches. It took a couple days to hatch and I was pretty worried about his patience with it. He was pretty funny about it though - He woke up early the next morning to go check and see if his egg hatched yet. He was very excited about it and loved checking on it for the next few days and now he has a fun little Triceratops toy to play with.
This last one could go in a whole collection of similar photos! Me and Melissa have been friends since High School and always take pictures of ourselves like this one track and basketball, school dances, road trips, we always were snapping pics of ourselves- we had to take one just for old times sake! I am so happy to be closer to her so we can hang out sometimes and love that our boys are such cute little friends! We also met today for an outing at the park and the Willow Park Zoo, but I haven't downloaded the pics maybe another post! Thanks again Melissa and Ryker - We had so much fun!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

That was so fun! I love the Dino Park! Can't wait to get the Willow Park pics up on the blog. Oh the sweet memories of Willow Park!... It was good to get together again yesterday and chat about the good ole days! :)