Saturday, November 8, 2008

Our Pre Halloween Festivities!

We did several fun things for Halloween that I have never posted. I am SO far behind on the blogging lately! I went through my photos today and realized how much I missed this month, so be prepared for a flood of posts as I attempt to catch up! Since I am using this as a family journal, I don't want to miss any of the fun things we do together!

The weekend before Halloween, we went to the Pumpkin Walk near our house. I was expecting a lot of carved pumpkins, and they did have some of those, but it was mostly big scenes people had created using pumpkins and gourds. It was really fun, even though it was kind of cold!

Here we are on the shuttle to the park. I guess there wasn't enough parking near the Pumpkin Walk, so we parked a few blocks away and took the little shuttle! The kids were excited about the Pumpkin Walk, but Logan might have been even more excited about riding the bus! This was his first bus ride (and Rylee's), so we of course, needed a picture!

There were some really cool things people did with pumpkins! Some of the displays were a little lame, but most were really cool! We had lots of fun walking around and seeing them all! I couldn't believe how many there were and how big it was for little Cache Valley.
This was our favorite - A Noah's ark scene! It was pretty awesome with lots of animals!
I love the funny elephant bums!
We started to get a little cold by the time we were done!
Logan really liked this one - It was an Olympics scene with Michael Phelps swimming. Pretty funny! Logan loves Michael Phelps!
Some of the pumpkins were pretty intense - This scene was from the Andy Griffith show and all the characters faces were painted on the pumpkins. They were pretty detailed! It is a little dark, but you can kind of tell...
At the end of the Pumpkin Walk, they had these little cutouts to take your picture in, and I was of course, all over that! Here is Logan as Mickey and Winnie the Pooh!
Rylee got to be a couple Disney Princesses and I decided I had to do it, too!

Then, a couple of days before Halloween, we went to a little Halloween carnival at USU with Carlie, Olivia and Ethan. Olivia was the cutest little pirate! I was so bummed that my camera battery died after just the first few booths, so I didn't get many pictures, but here are a few!
Logan loved so many of the booths and had so much fun doing the activities! Especially this hockey one, the basketball one and the bowling one! He loved it!
Aunt Vanessa was there painting faces for her sorority. She liked showing off the kids! Rylee's Nemo costume was a big hit!
Rylee had a hard time with the whole candy thing. She wanted to eat it as soon as she got it and did NOT want to put it into her bucket! She was carrying around fist fulls of it! To avoid too many fits, I ended up letting her eat a lot of candy. Suckers are her favorite! I think she ate 6 while we were there!
We put off our pumpkin carving and almost didn't get it done before Halloween. We did it Wednesday morning before Darren went to work, since that is his later shift. We had planned to carve 4 pumpkins, but it took a little longer than we thought and we only ended up getting 2 done.
Here is Rylee helping to clean out the pumpkin - by eating all the seeds! She dug right in and picked out the seeds and she wouldn't stop eating them! Logan refused to touch any of the pumpkin guts! He wanted nothing to do with the "gross" stuff inside. We had to get him this spoon (Yes...that is a spoon handle...we do not let a 3 year old loose with a knife) and then he scooped them out for us. Here is Rylee mad because I took away the pumpkin seeds! I was a little worried what they might do to her tummy and she wasn't happy about it. Isn't her hair cute? I put some little spongy curlers in it that morning to try for pictures and I loved it!
Logan and Daddy working on their Goofy pumpkin
Logan wanted a Lightning McQueen pumpkin, but that seemed a little difficult and we couldn't find a good pattern. We found these other Disney patterns online and Logan was pretty happy with his Goofy!
In Vegas, we always carved some pretty intense pumpkins and our elderly neighbors LOVED them! We felt like we needed to continue the tradition so we did these Disney ones. We only got Minnie and Goofy done (we had planned to do Tigger and Mickey too...) They turned out pretty good....
Carving time ran over into lunch time and by the time I fed Rylee she was pretty tired! She fell asleep in her high chair eating her lunch. I always think it is so funny when my kids do that!
Here we are with the finished pumpkins before we put them out for the night. The sad thing is we did all that work, and only lit them once! We lit them Wed night and then were gone out of town on Thurs and Fri! They still looked good though and we had fun doing them!
Me and Ry and our Minnie Pumpkin
Darren and Logan and their Goofy pumpkin

The pictures of the pumpkins lit up did not turn out very well. My camera doesn't do too well at night, but you get the idea...

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