Saturday, April 26, 2008

Home Sweet Home!

We went to Utah a couple of weeks ago and found a place to live while we were there. We looked at LOTS of places - It was so exhausting and quite stressful. There are some really gross places to live in Cache Valley- People will rent out anything! We found this cute townhome and are pretty excited about it. It was also one of the cheapest things that we looked at, which is so great! We are really excited about the cute community it is in. It is a little bigger than what we have now. It seems like it will be great for our little family.

Our unit

Our Neighborhood is so cute! There is this little walkway all the way around. We also have a little front yard.

The Kitchen

Dining RoomMaster Bedroom
Living Room
Master Bathroom - We LOVE this one! It has 2 walk-in closets in the bathroom (a hers and a theirs...Ha ha!) It also has the toilet in its own seperate room which is a great feature!
One of the other bedrooms - There are 3 total bedrooms (all upstairs) and 2 1/2 bathrooms in our new place. I am really excited about having one more bedroom!
A GARAGE!!! This was a major selling point for us! I hate having to carry groceries in from the car all the way across the parking lot! I am also glad not to have to scrape the ice and snow off my windows since it snows a lot in Cache Valley (it just snowed there on Thursday I'm told...) I hated doing that when we lived there before! The extra storage will also be really nice for us!

This is the little community park. I am really excited about having this too! It will be so nice. We weren't able to have a backyard like we wanted, but this is the next best thing! Logan and Rylee both loved playing here while we were looking at places.


Karmann said...

I am so glad that I said something about blogging to you and now we can NEVER loose touch!! I am sad that we are moving away from each other! It has been so nice to have you for a friend. I am glad we are both leaving and not leaving one or the other here. I will be one to comment and keep in touch!!

I love your new place!! It is so cute! The kids are going to have a blast there.

love ya!

The Winns said...

I'm glad you guys are moving closer, now maybe we'll see you every now and then.

Doug and Dawn said...

That's exciting that you guys have picked out your home and you are almost done! It looks like a nice place and the play center looks like it will be perfect for the kids. I was looking at your Gala pictures and it brought back memories of Doug's graduation. You guys look great and your dress is so pretty. I am so happy for you guys that things are coming together.

Di said...

Super cute place. I'm sure it will be a nice change from busy crowded Las Vegas.

Robbs said...

Hi Brooke!
So glad you saw my blog. Your kids are getting big (and cute) too!
We'll have to keep in touch and swap ideas. Most of my stuff is still in boxes but my scrapbook and ribbons are out.
Happy to hear that getting out of Vegas is going well.

Wehrle said...

Yea! So cute! I am so sad you are leaving but I am so happy things are working out for you guys the way you have been planning! Elliott will really miss "the boy Logan!"

Jennie said...

Brooke! I love the house! It looks awesome and a great neighborhood too :) I know your mom is dying to have you closer! Sorry we didn't meet up while you were here last! When you get up here I hope we can get together! Congrats again on the house! Luvs ... Jen

Kate said...

Hey you guys! I am SO excited that you are coming back to Logan! It's about time. I really like your new place, you will have to have me over for a tour! See you guys soon!

Jess and Tom Francom said...

Brooke! I can't even remember the last time that I saw you! Definitely pre-kids! Well, I'm still here in Cache Valley and I'm glad that you are back! Where is your townhome? We will definitely have to get together and play some basketball! Or just play with the kids..... that is what my life is all about now. :) Well, let me know if you's like to get together some's been years!!! Thanks girl...

Wehrle said...

It wasn't Darrens fault the picture was blurry! Anyway, I really want to see you guys before you go... more than once if possible! maybe we could have you guys out fior dinner or we could go to the lake or soemthing!! Did you go to Disneyland?