Friday, April 25, 2008

Baby Animal Days

On our last trip to Utah, we were able to be in Logan for Baby Animal Days! It is this really fun thing at the American West Heritage Center with lots of baby animals for the kids to hold and pet and they had so much fun. They had baby horses, cows, ducks, chicks, goats, lambs, pigs, bunnies, turtles and toads. Logan loved all the animals and ran from one to the other. He loved petting all of the animals. I think his favorite was holding the bunny. Rylee was pretty funny - She was a little wary of the animals. That is the first time that I have seen her scared of anything. She would touch them with one finger and then hurry and pull back and then laugh and laugh and then try it again, but she wouldn't get too close. Logan wasn't afraid of any of the big animals - only the tiny turtles and frogs - Funny kid! We rode a little wagon ride that Logan loved. I wish we would have had more time - Then we could have done the pony rides and seen a few more things. We had so much fun that we have decided this will be one of our family traditions in Cache Valley!

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