Monday, April 14, 2008

Hip Hip Hooray!

As many of you know, Darren is ALMOST finished with dental school - It is a little hard to believe, but also very exciting for us! About a week ago, he had to take the Western Regional Boards, which is a test to be able to get his license so he can practice as a dentist. It is a pretty stressful deal because you have to find patients who meet certain criteria and then hope that they actually show up on the day of the test. There are a lot of little things that can go wrong that you don't have a lot of control over, besides all the usual stuff you have to worry about. For instance, one of Darren's patients was an illegal immigrant and I kept having this wierd fear that he would be deported the day before the exam. If your patient is a no show, you fail and to take it again, you have to go somewhere else since they only offer it in Vegas once a year and you have to take all your patients with you and pay for everything - It can get quite expensive! Darren is a really organized though and did a great job lining everything up and being prepared. He did have one small catastrophe - He left the morning of the test without a piece of equipment he needed. I had to drag the kids out of bed and rush it over to him at the school, but it all worked out OK. Darren feels pretty good about how everything went, so now we just have to wait 4 weeks for the results, but we are glad it is over! We are so proud of him and all the work he has done this last 4 years! We love you babe!
The kids waiting in the car in their PJs to give Darren his Cavitron

Darren looking cool in his special loupes right before boards!

All done! Yeah - We celebrated by going out to get Chinese food!


becca said...

congratulations! After all that hard work, i would go to Darren as my Dentist anytime!

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Di said...

Dentist DW! Hooray. I am glad you survived your exam and can't wait for the Webber family to come back to Utah. Also,Rylee is the cutest one year old!