Friday, April 25, 2008

My Other Child!

I was looking through my blog and realized that there a lot of things about Rylee on here and not much about Logan lately with her birthday and everything. So I thought I'd post a few pictures of him and his latest antics! He is always cracking us up! Logan is very excited for our move to Utah and is always asking when we can move to our new house. Sometimes he asks if we are moving to the Aggies because he is very excited to go to Utah State games. Darren told him the other day that when we move to Utah, he will be able to watch the stars come out. Logan is very excited about that and now anytime we talk about our new house he asks if we are going to be able to "watch the stars come out". It is so cute! Logan is also learning all of his letters and is constantly yelling, "Look! A B!" Or "Its an L" It is pretty funny. He is getting pretty good at them!
Logan LOVES when family comes to visit. A few weeks ago, Darren's brother Kevin and his family came to visit and Logan loved it! He had such a great time playing with them. Darren had that week off of school and so we were able to go and play with them a little bit.

Logan and Darren at the Venetian - Logan had so much fun going down there! Everytime we drive near the Strip, we asks if it is "The Banetian!"

Logan and his cousin Haley at the new Palazzo hotel

Logan and Uncle Kevin at the Secret Garden at the Mirage! Logan LOVED this and is still talking about seeing the dolphins, lions and tigers. He thought the dolphins were hilarious!
Logan and Aunt April at the Tigers at the Mirage

Logan LOVES playing with his cousin Haley!!! They are great friends!

This is Logan sleeping in his little tent that his Grandma gave him for Christmas. Logan told Darren one night that he wanted to sleep in it, and Darren told him that he didn't think that was the greatest idea, but then he looked and realized that Logan had already moved all of his stuff into the tent - His pillows, blanket and stuffed animals. So Darren told him he could go ahead and sleep there! I thought it was so funny! He slept there for about a week.

This is Logan at his last day of Art class. We tried this class this session and Logan liked it OK. He had a hard time holding still that long, but it was fun for him to try something new. It focused on shapes, colors and numbers. His favorite part of the class were using the little stamps and putting the crayons away at the end of class. He loved sorting them! Kind of a funny little boy! (He also can't go to sleep if his room has any toys out - He gets out of bed and cleans them up if we put him to bed in a mess! I guess he has a little OCD) Here he is showing off the Ladybug he made that day.

Logan loves going to story time at the Library! This is him showing off his hand stamps at our last story time! There aren't any more before we leave - It was a little sad!

Logan trying out fingerpainting - This is supposed to be a picture of Darren. Do you see a resemblance?

1 comment:

April said...

We sure had fun with you guys!! Can I just state for the record how much I love this kid! I can't wait to see him again and have him pinch my elbow fat!!