Sunday, April 13, 2008

Our Baby Girl is One!

It has happened - My sweet, little baby girl turned 1 on March 29th! I know that was 2 weeks ago, but I think that it may have taken me that long to come to terms with it - I am signed up for one of those things that send you emails about your child's development each week, and the new ones now say "Your Toddler" instead of "Your Baby!" I almost cried - I am a little sad how quickly she has grown up, but also so excited at all she has learned in the last year and amazed at all she can do! She is at a very fun stage right now and we love watching her and playing with her.
Rylee has always been on the go - She has been trying to do something new ever since she was born. She started trying to roll really early and then as soon as she mastered that, it was on to crawling and she always seems to be on to the next thing. Since she has mastered walking, she seems to be much more free and happy, I think because she can now finally keep up with her big brother - although now she is trying to learn to climb and jump. When she was trying to walk, she fell all the time but would just get right back up and try again. She is such a determined (and at times stubborn) little girl!
Rylee is such a funny little girl - She has gained a lot of independence since she learned to walk and is so funny toddling around the house. She looks so small to be cruising around and doing the things she does. She plays by herself pretty well, as long as she knows I am close by. She is quite the little adventurer! She LOVES to get up and jump on Logan's bed or climb on and off things over and over. She has even managed to climb onto our kitchen chairs and our bed! She is not scared of anything and has done everything so fast - crawling, walking... she is practically running around all ready and she LOVES to climb and tries her hardest to jump - It is hilarious to see her try! She especially loves to explore outside and will always try and get us to go along with her by grabbing our finger and pullling us along - it is so funny!
Rylee is also starting to communicate very well! She is really good at nodding yes or shaking her head no when you ask her something (she looks a little like a bobblehead sometimes...) and she can do around 15 different signs (although they all look a lot the same!) Most of them are food related! She also "says her prayers" so sweet. She bows her head and squints her eyes almost shut and folds her arms - it is adorable! She also is saying a lot of words - she actually says most of the things she signs, which is something Logan didn't do for awhile. She also can do some animal sounds - her favorite if dog! Her favorite games are Peek-A-Boo and Monkeys on the Bed. She LOVES to do the actions and is so cute playing with us! She also Loves to Tease!
She is such a loving little girl and gives the sweetest hugs and kisses and even pats and rubs my back - when she will hold still that long! She loves to play with baby dolls, too and gives them the sweetest loves and carries them around so cute - How do they know to do that? She has been a little of a challenge at times - She is not much for sleeping, day or night, and she has been a screamer since she was born. We could always pick her out in the nursery by her loud crying! She also has been VERY attached to me, which can be hard, but I also do like to feel so loved and needed! She has such a different personality than Logan. Sometimes I feel I am starting completely over with learning to be a mom! She LOVES her big brother and follows him all over the house, and doesn't even seem to mind when he isn't the nicest to her. Logan can get her laughing harder than anyone else. She also LOVES when daddy comes home and runs to the door yelling "daddy!" It is so adorable! One of my favorite things about Rylee is her BIG cheesy grin! Whenever I get out the camera, she says "CHEESE" and hams it up for me! Because she loves it so much, I have SO many pictures of her. The Slide show is a few of my favorites from this last year. We are so grateful for our little girl - She has been such a great addition to our family and we are so grateful for her and all LOVE her so much!

1 comment:

Erica said...

She is such a sweet little girl. You guys are going to have a serious problem trying to keep the boys away!!! I hope that your house hunting has been going well. You'll have to let me know where you end up!