Sunday, April 20, 2008

Rylee's 1 Year Pictures

You probably all think that I am nuts for all the portraits I have taken, but I am now officially done with Rylee's pictures for the next 6 months! However, I HAD to post her one year photos because they turned out so cute! We went to my favorite photo place and Rylee did great! She LOVES the camera! When the photographer was setting up the shot, she went and posed herself and then said "CHEESE" and gave her cheesiest smile! (It is what we call her Grandpa Boman smile - if you know my dad, you will know why!) She scrunches up her little face and squints her eyes and smiles all big - It is hilarious and you can see it in several of the pictures! She did a great job except for the ones with props! Rylee felt like she needed to climb on and off the things over and over and wouldn't hold still long enough to get any great shots. She is a busy little girl and loves to climb! She got up on top of that block all by herself and then wanted to jump down - She keeps me on my toes! I ended up getting a lot of these pictures because I loved them so much! They turned out very cute!


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