Friday, April 25, 2008

Some Random Pics...

These are a few photos from our last trip to Utah a couple of weeks ago. We had a good time, even though we were quite stressed out trying to finish up all of our plans and finalize our move. We were able to see lots of family and a few friends and had a really good time. We stayed in a hotel in Logan, which was kind of fun and we got to go swimming. The kids loved that! My friend Summer watched the kids while we met with the dentist and they had lots of fun playing in her backyard with her little girl Sky and swinging in the hammock. We also had a fun little birthday party for my Dad's 50th birthday. We gave him a little book of the 50 things that we love about him - He LOVED it! It even made him cry! He also went and bought himself a Mustang Convertible - He LOVES it! It is so funny to see him cruise around in it. He took me for a ride and was like a little kid - He was telling me how much pedal he had left and how fast he could get to 80 mph! Logan loved being around all of his family and is so excited to spend more time with them. He really loved playing with his cousin Raegan. The kids were so great in the car and did great, except for one little Rylee meltdown. She was getting fussy so I told her that I would give her a cracker. Well, then I couldn't get find the crackers because Darren had put them in the trunk. I tried to offer her a cookie and a bunch of other treats, but she just kept throwing them all back at me. Then she would sign "Cracker" and then "Please" over and over and she was getting so frustrated at me that she was telling me what she wanted and I couldn't help her. She finally settled on some fruit snacks and calmed down, but she is quite the stubborn little girl! It is a little funny to me now, but not when she was screaming! We also stopped at a fun little park on the way home in St George with lots of cool water features and the kids loved it. Logan was SOAKED!!! It was a little weird on the way home thinking is probably the last time we would be returning to this house!

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