Sunday, April 13, 2008

Our Easter

It has been several weeks since Easter, but I am behind as always and wanted to post some of our fun Easter pics, even if they are a little outdated! We had a really fun Easter. Logan is old enough now to really be into it all and Rylee was even pretty funny! She LOVED emptying out her basket and tearing into Logan’s too. She also spread everything out all over the floor and made quite a mess. We colored Easter eggs on Friday night. Logan got quite into it, picking the colors for the eggs and then putting some stickers on them. He really liked it. Rylee on the other hand was a bit of a stinker. She was tired and kept getting upset. I tried to do a couple of eggs with her (mostly to get some pictures and prove that she was there…) and while we were taking the picture she grabbed the blue dye and spilled all over the table and on her clothes. We are still working on getting it out of both!

Logan woke up Saturday morning talking about the Easter Bunny. (The Easter Bunny visits our house Saturday morning so it doesn't interfere with church...) He was very excited to find the eggs and was doing a great job until Rylee spotted her basket and started tearing it apart and then he wanted to find his and couldn’t focus on the eggs anymore. Rylee did manage to find one egg and even knew to put it into the egg carton. It was very cute! Rylee pulled everything out of her basket really fast! Logan was VERY excited to finally spot his basket. He has been asking for The King and Chick Hicks cars since Christmas, and the Easter Bunny finally came through! (Santa thought that Logan wouldn’t really care that much about these other cars when he got Lightning McQueen, but Logan has been asking when Santa is bringing these cars since Christmas!) He was very excited to get those cars and a Sally, Doc and another Lightning McQueen. They got some fun little things in their baskets and had a lot of fun playing that morning. They were so cute together.  We also had some duck pancakes for a fun Easter breakfast.  

Our friends, the Barker’s, stopped by on their way to Disneyland Saturday afternoon and hung out for awhile. Logan had so much fun with their little boy Drew and we loved seeing them. We took them to In-N-Out Burger and Bass Pro Shops, 2 of our favorite Vegas things. The kids loved the big fish tank and Rylee had her first taste of an In-N-Out Burger and LOVED it! We were glad to hang out with them since we never get to see them and had a lot of fun! That night we watched 101 Dalmations and Logan LOVED it! He has been pretending he is a dog ever since!
Logan and Drew Barker

Logan and his buddy Drew

Sunday the kids got dressed up in their Easter clothes! They looked very cute! We got ready before church and attempted to take a few pics but it didn’t go too well - They were both all over the place and Logan ended up with a bloody nose all over his new pants - It was a bit of a disaster! We had Easter dinner that night at our friend's, the White's. Their kids love to play with Logan and Rylee and they had a lot of fun. It was a great Easter, even though we did miss our family. Next year, we should be in Utah for all the festivities!



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