Wednesday, April 23, 2008


For those of you that do not know, I have a bit of an obsession with Oprah! I don't agree with everything she does, but I do think that she does a lot of good and her show is "my time" everyday and I rarely miss it! So, I was VERY EXCITED to learn that she was going to be here in Las Vegas this weekend, to tape a show with Cher and Tina Turner! I thought this would FINALLY be my chance to see her show! (Darren and I both made a list of things we really wanted to do in our lifetime, and mine included a chance to see Oprah's show!) I was also really excited when I learned that you could win them on the internet. This is why I am up and posting to my blog so early in the morning - I have been getting up at 5:45 am for the past 2 mornings trying to win them! I don't know of too many things that will get me up this early in the morning! Yesterday, I was very disappointed when I lost and I'm pretty sure that the outcome will be the same today since I have REALLY slow internet and there are so many people trying to win. They are giving away 50 sets each day! But, I had to give it a shot - When else will Oprah be this close? I'm pretty sure she will never film a show in Cache Valley! Wish me luck! I'm sure that you will ALL hear about it if I do happen to win! If I don't, I might have to resort to some serious stalker behavior and hope that I get a chance to see her!

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