Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Piano Recital

May 18 - Logan at his piano recital.  His teacher was so great and found him so music that he was really excited about.  He played the Star Wars Main Theme and did a fabulous job!  It was FOUR pages and he had it all memorized and played with hardly any mistakes.  He LOVED playing and learning that song!  I was SO proud of him for how hard he worked on it and what a great job he did! 
 That night was the Father-Son campout for our ward so there was some worry if he was going to want to go to his recital, but he was able to play to do both and not be too late and I am so glad that he did because he worked so hard to learn his song.  He loved the recital because all the kids played popular songs and there was a little worksheet that you could guess clues and stuff about the songs or movies they were from.  Logan loved that and even though he was supposed to leave for his campout, he wanted to stay and hear all his friends and finish filling out his clues.  Grandma Boman was also able to come up for the recital, but we didn't get any pictures with her.  She is so great to be there for the kid's big things. 

Finished performing
Logan and his teacher, Karen Hansen.  We are so bummed because she moved this summer and we had to find a new teacher.  I hope she will continue to make piano fun for Logan.
Logan and Mom and Dad.  We are so proud of him for working so hard this year! 

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