Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Mother's Day

May 13 - I had a wonderful Mother's Day!  This was one of those times that I wished I would have done better about writing things down sooner, because I remember thinking how great a day it was and that my kids were so sweet and made it so perfect, but now I don't remember the specifics.  I guess it is enough to just remember it was a special day.  It was simple, but it was so great and reminded me of why I love being a mom so much!  My cute kids couldn't wait to give me breakfast in bed.  The problem was we had early church so I needed to hurry, but I showered while they got breakfast ready and then ate my breakfast in bed.  They are so insistent on that!  I wasn't ready for Bronson to go to church yet, but I didn't want to miss the kids singing, so I went to Sacrament Meeting and it was great.  I wasn't feeling fabulous yet, but it was nice to see friends and get dressed up a little and I loved watching my cute kids sing to me.  Such a great highlight of the day!  Then I went home and took a little nap with Bronson for the next 2 hours and then they came home with lots of good stuff for me.  They were so excited to show me.  I loved it!
These were the flowers from my fabulous hubby.  He always picks out the best flowers for me!  
Logan, just because!  I love how sweet this boy is and how kind and what a great big brother he is to all his siblings.  He is the perfect oldest child to have in our home. 
 Logan brought me home a cupcake from primary!  It was delicious!  
Rylee made me these cards.  She made the pink one at our house that morning and the other one at Primary. She loves to make cards for people.  I love how thoughtful Rylee is and that she is my little artist. 
My sweet little Avery couldn't wait to give me this flower.  She had the biggest smile on her face when she gave it to me and was so proud.  I loved it!  And her! She is getting to be so big and thinks she is as big as everyone else.  She is at one of my favorite stages and listening to her talk just makes me smile.  I wish I could bottle up that sweet little voice forever! 

And just because there are pictures of all the other kids with me, here is one of my sweet little Bronson.  Having another new baby in the house is a great Mother's Day gift! 
Me and my wonderful kids.  They are my everything and I am so glad they made me their mom!

Oh...pictures with 4 kids.  You get some interesting pictures.  
I love Avery's face in this one.  She is a girl of MANY expressions!

Another funny Avery picture
I love my little rugrats!

After being spoiled by all my fabulous gifts, it was time to head to Grandma's house for dinner.  We love family dinners!   

Cousins chowing down at the bar - Ethan, Logan, Avery and Rylee

The best part of the dinner was that EVERYONE was able to be there!  Even....

UNCLE JEFF!!!   We were able to talk to him for the first time since he left on his mission since Mother's Day is one of the 2 days he is allowed to call home.  It was so nice because he was able to Skype so we talked to him for 2 1/2 hours!  We each got plenty of turns and we hooked up the computer to the tv so everyone could see him It was so which  nice to not worry about the long distance bill.  And we got to see his cute face!  The kids were SO excited when he popped up on the TV.  They were all waving at the tv and didn't understand that he could only see them if they were standing in front of the computer.  It was a bit confusing. 

Not sure about the fake glasses.  
Talking to Uncle Jeff.
My Dad and Rylee
Jeff had to tell Darren a funny story.  It was something about how he had become a REAL "official" missionary.  It was a pretty funny experience, but I'll spare you the details... 

My kids were always right by the computer with everyone that was chatting.  They couldn't get enough of seeing their Uncle Jeff. 

Grandma's turn

Without the fake glasses

Time to say goodbye!  It was a little hard to say goodbye, but the kids were excited to know that we get to do this again on Christmas.  And, after 2 1/2 hours, we didn't have a whole lot more to say.  I think we all just liked seeing his face up on the screen. 

So, like I said, it was nothing spectacular, but it was special.  I don't always feel like I do all the things that I would like to do as a Mom, but I am so grateful that I have the opportunity and that these special kids teach me so much and love me even when I am not the best mom.  I don't know what I would do without these guys to give me hugs and kisses and tell me funny jokes and stories and just to love.  Even when it is hard, I just love being their mom! 

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