Monday, August 13, 2012

Star Wars Day

May 4 - Did you know that May 4th is National Star Wars Day?  Well, it is!  I remember last year seeing some people post about it on Facebook and thinking that it would be fun to celebrate it at our house since Logan loves Star Wars so much.  But, of course when it came around, I was totally unprepared!  I had forgotten until I saw the same posts on Facebook again!  There was a little bit of time until Logan got home from school so the girls and I decided to surprise him.   Nothing fancy, but just a little something to mark the day for our Star Wars junkie! 

  Rylee got out all Logan's action figures and set them up on the dining room table.  She loves to make set-ups and thought this job was so fun!  She was really excited to surprise Logan.

And we hung up a couple signs....  Rylee wrote the first one.  It says "May the 4th Be With You".  Mine is in the middle and Avery's is on the far side... 
Rylee also made this drawing of her and Logan as Luke and Leia.  I love her drawings!  

Then we mixed up some cookie dough, but Logan got home before we made the cookies so he got to help.  When he came home from school, we were still finishing the signs so we locked him out for a bit and he was so confused!  I thought he would be so excited for our celebration, but at first, he was just bothered that the girls had been into his Star Wars stuff.  He eventually got a little more excited, but it wasn't quite the reaction I was hoping for.  Oh well!  Then we made some Star Wars cookies together! 
I bought these cookie cutters from Williams-Sonoma for Logan's birthday last year, but the dough was kind of complicated and it didn't work when I made it and frosting these shapes was far too hard to get done with all the other party plans.  I had big ideas that I would use them another time, but I never had the motivation to give it a try again.  Making cookies is something that I have a little mom guilt over...  I am just not good at it and I don't love the mess!  And they never turn out!  Anyway, I found this recipe on a blog awhile ago and she used these cookie cutters and they turned out great without the stress of frosting them!  And...  they are CHOCOLATE , so its a win-win!  Anyway, they were super easy and the kids loved making the Star Wars characters - Yoda, Darth Vader, Boba Fett and a Storm trooper.   The girls also threw in a couple girly cookies, like butterflies and hearts.

The kids with their finished cookies!  I can never get a picture I like of all of them together, so here are a few of the best of each of them. 

Maybe next year our celebration will be a little more put together!  Happy National Star Wars Day!  May the FOUR-th be with you!

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