Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rylee's Preschool Graduation

May 25, 2012 - Rylee graduated from Preschool!  She was so excited for her big day and kept telling me all about all the fun things they were going to do and everything they were practicing for at school and the cute songs they were going to sing.  Her graduation was originally scheduled a little earlier, but her teacher's little boy got whooping cough and they had to cancel a week of school and it pushed things back a little.  She was so excited she even let me use the curlers in her hair and she wore her special new dress Grandma made her for her birthday.  She looked SO cute! 

I love how she holds her dress for pictures.  She is SO my Princess!  

When we got to the graduation, there were these cute pictures on the wall for each of the kids in Rylee's class about what they wanted to be when they grew up.  There were some REALLY funny ones!  I wish I would have taken a picture of the whole wall because they were hilarious.  I LOVED Rylee's.  It was perfect!  I also loved her mermaid drawing.  She is missing some seashells... 
Rylee's cute little class getting ready for their program - Krew, Easton, Matthew, Rylee, Dessie, Kylie, Whitney and Tate

Rylee being introduced by teacher Natalie.  She told some things that Rylee liked about school.  I think Rylee said she liked play time.  That is what most of the kids said!  She would tell me that she played family with Kylie and Savanna (before Savanna moved) almost every day when she came home from school.  Sometimes Easton would play too and occasionally she would play power Rangers with Easton.
My pretty little girl

Rylee's class ready to start their program - Back Row:  Tate, Whitney, Kylie  Front Row:  Dessie, Rylee, Matthew, Easton and Krew
Some pictures of Rylee during the program...

This was one of Rylee's favorite parts!  It was a song about spaghetti and she got really into it! 

The end was about shaking and dancing and Rylee was the only one who jumped up to do it.  She was loving performing for everyone! 
For this part of the program, they did a little puppet show with some puppets they made.  It was about a farm and Rylee's part was the kitty.  She did a great job and made a cute little puppet.  I didn't get a picture of her holding it up for some reason. 
Rylee getting presented with her diploma.  Teacher Natalie told something about each child that they wanted everyone to know.  Rylee wanted everyone to know she could snap!  It is something she has worked pretty hard on and is very proud of herself for, but I thought that was pretty funny. 

Getting her certificate

Our preschool graduate! 
They sang this cute little song about "I'm going to Kindergarten in the fall" to the tune of "She'll be coming around the mountain."  It was really fun and Rylee had practiced and practiced it!  She was especially excited about using these poppers at the end! 

This is the card that Rylee made for Teacher Natalie.  I don't know why it is a cake with candles.  It was a graduation card, not a birthday one, but that is what she wanted to draw.  She is a pretty good little artist and loves making cards. 
The inside of Rylee's card - The picture says Me and You underneath the people.  It says:  DeAR teAcheR nATAlie  tHAnKs foR teAchiNG Me.  You ARe Nice.  I LoveD LeARNiNG AND PReSChooL.  Love, RyLee.  I love her cute writing!  She is getting really good and even starting to sound out words on her own. 
Avery was so cute to cheer for her sister and was pretty good for the program.  She can't wait until it is her turn for school! 
Rylee and her diploma (upside down...oops!) and her cat puppet for the play
All graduated!  (Notice the diploma is the right side up now!)

Bronson slept through the whole thing!  Such an angel baby! 
Afterwards, there were treats.  Yummy cupcakes! 

Avery LOVED the cupcake, too. 
Rylee with Teacher Natalie.  We LOVED going to Teacher Natalie's preschool this year.  Rylee had so much fun with so many of her friends and adored Teacher Natalie.  She learned SO much!  It started with just some letters and sounds and sight words, but she is writing and reading so much on her own now it is amazing.  She is loving learning! 
Cute sisters after graduation.  I love my girls! 

Daddy and Mommy with our girls after the Graduation

Daddy and his Princess

Mommy and Ry
Since it was her BIG day, we took her to lunch anywhere she wanted to go.  She chose Texas Roadhouse.  What a big day!  We are so proud of our sweet little Rylee and how much she is learning and growing.  She can't wait for Kindergarten and we are excited to see all the great things she will do.  We love you Princess! 
A few of Rylee's preschool favorites -
Favorite Job to do:  Ring the Bell
Least Favorite Job:  All the other ones, except cleaning up the mats and ringing the bell
Best Preschool Friends:  Savanna, Kylie and Dessie
Favorite Part of Preschool:  Playtime
Favorite thing to Play:  Baby Dolls
Favorite Snack:  Bananas
Favorite Special Day:  PJ and Movie Day (they watched Martha Speaks)
Favorite Book they read:  3 Little Pigs
Favorite Nursery Rhyme they learned:  Queen of Hearts
Things you learned:  Nursery Rhymes, Sight Words and the Pledge

She is SO excited for school every day at the BIG school where Logan goes!  Can't believe she is so big.  Our little Princess is growing up so fast! 

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