Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Moms and Muffins

May 18 - Rylee's class did a fun little brunch for all the Mom's for Mother's Day called Moms and Muffins.  She was so excited when she brought the invitation home.  It was supposed to be the Friday before Mother's Day, but they had to postpone it for a week because her preschool teacher's little boy got whooping cough and she had to cancel school the week before Mother's Day.  (Something else to panic me with a new little baby in the house!!!)  Here is Rylee all dressed up for her brunch and ready to leave for school.
 She was pretty excited it was a rainy day because it meant she could use her Arial umbrella. 

The brunch was adorable!  They wore cute hats and aprons with their handprints and served us muffins and juice and sang us a song.  I loved how excited Rylee was to see me when I got there.  Rylee was so funny about serving me.  She loved it and kept bringing me more muffins.
Singing their songs.  I remember they sang the Muffin Man song, but changed some of the words to be about their class.

 She also made me this grass and they filled out a little paper with questions about their moms.  I thought it was funny that Rylee knew my exact age (most other kids said their mom was six or something like that), and that my favorite book was Hunger Games (she told her teacher "that one with the bird on it") and that I was good at walking.  I asked her about that and she said that was because I used to not be able to (after my c section)  It was a great day and fun to see Rylee at school with her friends and how she interacted with everyone.  I love my little Princess!

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