Thursday, August 23, 2012

Second Grade!!!

 August 23, 2012 - Today I'm going to do something completely out of the ordinary for me and actually blog something recent!  Today was Logan's FIRST day of SECOND grade!!!  And, even though I haven't even finished up the post about finishing up first grade or anything from our fun summer, I decided to post this while it is still fresh on my mind!

I can't believe I have a SECOND grader!  Is it just me or does that sound SO much older than first grade?  Logan is usually so excited for school to start, but this year, he was a little bummed to go back.   He has been really enjoying his summer and wasn't so sure about being in school all day.  He doesn't know much about his teacher and I think was is a bit nervous about that and is enjoying staying home and playing every day and fun little excursions.  But, last night at Back-to-School night, he saw lots of his friends and I think that got him a little more excited to go back.  He is the most friendly kid and says hi to everyone and is genuinely so excited to see friends and loves people.  It is something that I really love and admire about Logan.
 Here are Logan and Rylee outside the school at Back-to-School night last night.  So crazy to have TWO kids in school!!!  That is HALF of my babies!  Rylee doesn't get to start until next week since the Kindergarten does assessments this week, so they didn't get to have a first day of school picture together so I guess this will have to do.  They were both pretty excited for Back to School night. 

 Logan woke up pretty early this morning.  He wasn't supposed to get up until his alarm went off at 7:25, so we sent him back to bed for a bit.  I think he really just watched TV though.  (He missed a new episode of Ninjago while we were at Back-to-School night last night).  As soon as his alarm went off though, he got right in the shower and was all ready!  He requested Popeye Pancakes for breakfast, so while they were cooking, I tortured him with first day of school pictures.  He doesn't love having his picture taken, but he put up with me pretty well today. 
 I love this handsome little guy!  I guess he's not so little...  SECOND grade is BIG stuff!
 Showing off a sample of his hand writing in second grade

 After our photo shoot, Daddy gave Logan a blessing before he left for work.  It was a really great blessing.  I wish I would have written more down about it sooner, but here are some of the things I remember from it.  He blessed Logan to continue to have a love for learning and a love and excitement for life.  He blessed him to continue to enjoy life and be himself and happy and friendly.  He blessed him that he would be able to be a friend to those that need him and that that would be very important for him to be happy and seek out those who need someone to be kind to them.  He blessed him to continue to be excited to learn and for new experiences and challenges and a new teacher and new class.  He told him that he was a very special boy!  That he has been blessed with many gifts and abilities and that he should continue to develop those gifts and bless others.  He blessed him to continue to be a peacemaker in our home.  He told him how proud we are of him as his mom and dad and what a great older brother and example he his to his siblings. 

We truly are blessed to have Logan as our oldest!  He is such a happy kid and is so sweet to those around him and a great example.  I love how much enthusiasm and passion Logan has for life and the things he loves.  He teaches me so much and I will miss having him here all day everyday!
After a quick and rushed breakfast, we all started to load in the car to head to school.  Then I remembered we needed a picture of everyone, so we jumped out of the car for a yet another picture, which is why Bronson is in his car seat.  (It did help the fighting over who would hold him)

 The girls had just woken up so they were still in their PJs.  I think it is going to be rough to get Rylee out the door for school next week.  She isn't as early a riser as Logan.  I always think it is fun to compare these pictures on the first and last day of school each year.  The kids all change so much!

 We made it to school with lots of time to spare.  I made Logan take another picture outside.  I saw this idea last year and thought it was a good one to include some things about them on the first day.  It is kind of fun to see what has changed each year. 

 Just outside his classroom - He went right in and didn't even seem to care that I was there.  He just went about his business.  It was a little sad to me that he didn't even need me or feel sad, but I guess its a good thing that he loves school and feels comfortable there.  The other great thing about his classroom is that it is right across the hall from Rylee's! 
 Logan and his teacher. 
 Our house was pretty quiet without Logan today.  The girls are usually my noisy ones anyway, but it did make a difference to not have him around.  We couldn't wait to meet him at the bus stop this afternoon!  He jumped right off like he had been doing this for years...  Well...  I guess now he kind of has.  At least 2 years! 
 Logan at the bus stop - The first thing he told me was that he had the nicest teacher in the 2nd grade!  He was very excited and LOVED her so hopefully that means we are in for another great year! 
 And, as is our first day of school tradition, we headed to Aggie Ice cream for a treat and to talk about Logan's first day! 
Logan chose vanilla and Aggie Birthday cake ice cream for his treat.  It is hard to get a lot of details out of Logan about his day.  He is not one to give a lot of information out and he seemed much more concerned about getting home to finish watching his new episode of Ninjago!  He said the best part of the day was reading Charlotte's Web.  His teacher is reading it to the class and he was excited about that.  We read it together last summer and he loved it!  I asked what the worst part of the day was and he said nothing!  It was a great day!  He told me that he thought his teacher "was the best 2nd grade teacher his school has ever seen!"  and that he thinks she should win the teacher of the year award.  He had heard a lot about another teacher and that she was "the bomb" and was a little bummed he didn't have her, but he told me after school that HIS teacher is actually "the bomb" and he is so glad he got her!  Whew!  What a relief!  He sat by Tucker in class and by James at lunch and they had cheeseburgers today.  He drew a picture of himself and made an apple of some kind that he said is hanging in the class.  He went to lunch and they did math today.  He was a little sad that there wasn't room to sit by his friend on the bus and that one of his friends wouldn't play with him at recess.  He came home with his shoe untied and when I told him that his homework for the night was going to be practicing tying his shoes, he had a bit of a meltdown because his teacher promised NO homework for the first week!  (We are still working on tying shoes - Logan has ZERO patience for that kind of thing and only likes to wear slip-ons and flip-flops!) I asked him what was different about second grade from first and all he said was a different teacher and class.  I had him do a little video interview and it was hilarious!  He is such a funny kid - He gave quite the interview and was making me laugh so hard the way he phrased things and it was like he was giving a REAL television interview they way he said things.  

Such a big day!  It is still crazy to me that I am old enough to be the mom of a SECOND grader!  I'm so glad that he loves school and that he has a great teacher this year!  I have mixed feelings on being back in school.  It is so nice to be back to a routine (or trying to get back to a routine - getting up in the mornings might be rough for a few days...) but I will miss the lazy days of summer and all the fun we were having!

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