Monday, August 13, 2012

Another Soccer Season

Back in April and May, Logan played another season of soccer.  When it was time to sign up, he said he only wanted to play if it wouldn't rain at all his games.  It tends to rain a lot for Spring soccer and be SO cold!  (And of course, it was raining for game one!  Luckily, it didn't last too long and it was pretty warm by the time the game was over.)   He finally decided to play since Daddy would coach.  This was his first year playing on the bigger field with positions and having a goalie so it was a little bit different.  I tried to convince Rylee to try soccer, too, but she wasn't interested. 
 Here is Logan all ready for his first game in the rain!  (April 12)

A few pictures from his first game.... 

It was a bit harder for Logan this year.  He was the youngest one out there since his birthday is right before the cut off and it makes a difference when it is the first year on the team vs the second.  He wasn't nearly as aggressive as he was last year when the season started but he got better and better as the season went on.  He usually played forward or mid-field.

I love that Darren can coach Logan and that he does such a great job with it!  Logan loves having Daddy as his coach!  

My little spectators - Avery
And Rylee - She was mad at me because I didn't bring a snack for her so this is the face that she pulled when I got out the camera!  Lovely! 


Luckily, I found something in the car and that helped a little. 

Such good sports to sit out in the freezing spring weather! 
Another game (April 14).  Still cold enough for a hoodie! 

Logan probably talking a little trash...  He talks a pretty big game out there!
April 21 - A few more pictures - I didn't make it to as many games this season since I was due to have the baby and missed a couple games while I was in the hospital and then had a brand new baby that I wasn't ready to take out and about.

Avery doing some drawing while she sits through ANOTHER game!  Someday it will be her turn! 

High fives after the game...
Silly face! 

May 10 - This is the next game I made it to, but I watched from the van with Bronson.  I almost couldn't pick out which kid was Logan during the game.  He was SO much more aggressive than the other games I had been too.  I think it took him a bit to get a little more confident with the bigger and older boys but he made a lot of improvement. 
Taking a drink break... 
May 17 - This was Logan's 2nd to last game.  He begged Daddy to let him play goalie all season, but Darren was a little bit worried about him being too afraid of the ball and that he might be really upset if someone scored on him.  Finally, he let him try it so I HAD to be there to see it.  I was a bit bummed because with the baby's feedings, I was a bit late and almost missed it, but I got there to see the last few minutes.  Logan did awesome and had 2 great stops!  It is really nerve wracking for your child to play that position though so I would be OK if he didn't want to do it again!  Not sure about the face he is pulling here.... 

Love the ready stance! 

Back out on the field again...
Harassing the other team....  Logan is REALLY good at trash talking! 
Playing some great defense! 

 May 19 - Logan's last game of the season!  He was a bit tired since he went on the Father-Son Campout the night before, but he still finished the season strong!  Grandma Boman got to come watch him play in his last game and he always loves to show off when anyone comes to see him play. His team had lots of ties during the season or they would lose by 1 right at the end, but they were able to finish up the season with a win! 

After the game, it was time for some team photos.  Their team name this year was The Soccer Dragons .  Logan was pretty disappointed by that.  He wanted them to be the Spartans for some reason.

Back Row:  Spencer, Jaden, Seth, Cameron, ?, Chase, Coach Dad
Front Row:  Devin, Logan, Gaige, Taysen 
Ethan and Kaya were missing for the picture. 

Being silly

Crazy boys! 

Our little soccer player! 

Logan decided his favorite position this year was mid-field which is what mom and dad both played the most in soccer.  And the good news is that our area has decided to have FALL soccer so we will be starting again soon!  And hopefully have some nice weather to play soccer in!

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