Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Campouts and Sleepovers

May 18 - 19, 2012  - This was the weekend of the ward Father-Son overnight camp out.  Logan looks forward to this every year, and even more this year because last year's was cancelled because the water was too high where they were going to be camping and they ended up sleeping out in our backyard.  This year, they ended up going to a lodge in Bear Lake owned by the University, so it was pretty fancy and Logan was so excited!  They had so much fun and Logan LOVED sleeping in a tent.  They had the option to sleep inside in the bunk beds, but Logan REALLY wanted to sleep out in a tent.  They had to get up in the middle of the night to move the tent because a sprinkler went on at 3 am right outside the door, and they ended up having to move it again, but Logan didn't seem to mind at all.  Other than that, it was awesome for them!  Logan was just bummed that Bronson couldn't go, too.  He is really excited for him to join in on their fun boys trips.  Maybe next year...

Logan LOVES to sleep in a tent!  He goes to bed really early and gets up early. 

The lodge they stayed in at Bear Lake.  Pretty nice! 

Since the boys were having fun, the girls and I had a little fun of our own!  Grandma Boman came up for Logan's piano recital on Friday night, so she stayed over with us and we had a fun girls' night and sleepover with Grandma! 
 The girls all dressed up for Logan's piano recital.  I loved these outfits!  

And I love all their funny poses! 

For dinner Friday night, the girls chose Kneader's.  (Or MEE-ders as Avery calls it) Bronson was getting really fussy so we had to take it to go and they were a little bummed about that, so when we got home we decided to make it a picnic and that helped make it a little better.  We had a picnic and watched a girly movie.  I let them pick and Rylee chose the movie "A Little Princess" on Netflix.  She is really liking a bit older movies lately and not just cartoons.  I was pretty excited because I love that movie.  Rylee loved it, too.  I think it was a bit old for Avery but she did pretty good with it, too. 
After the movie, we made a trip to Charlie's Ice Cream for a late night treat.  Its pretty fun to have special nights and get ice cream at 10 pm when you are 5 and 2 years old!  They were in heaven!
Cute little Bronson joined in on all our girly fun.  We didn't mind.  He is just so sweet!!! 

The next morning, I planned to get up and make a yummy breakfast, but by the time that Bronson was fed and stuff, it was getting pretty late, so we made another trip to Kneader's for their DELICIOUS french toast!!  Yummy!!!  What a fun weekend we had!

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