Tuesday, August 21, 2012

School Carnival

May 22 - Logan's school does a really fun medieval carnival for families each year and the kids had a blast again going this year!  Daddy stayed home with Bronson,(he doesn't love these kind of activities and we were a little worried about ALL the germs!) but Mommy took the kids and they loved it!  They had lots of fun activities to do.  Logan was SO excited to see the Falconry station and wanted to go straight there.  The map was a little bit wrong about where that was and we ended up walking in circles around the school but we finally found it and he thought it was so neat!  The girls had fun with everything but especially loved their yummy treats! 
 Avery had some yummy BLUE ice cream and it ended up ALL over her face!  
Rylee got a snow cone.
Logan trying out the catapult launch.   
They also loved getting some fun balloons made.
Logan and his sword balloon outside the castle
All 3 munchkins. 
We got to do lots of fun things.  They got to stamp these metal rings with different symbols and thought that was fun.  They searched for treasure and did a Princess and the Pea activity and learned a bit about knights.  They loved it all!  We finished the night off with some cotton candy.  Doesn't get much better than that!!! 

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