Monday, February 27, 2012

Cheer Performance

Nov 30th - Rylee was SO excited for her chance to perform at a REAL high school game. She was a little nervous about all the people who would be there, but mostly excited. She practiced her cute little dance to "Move It" from Madagascar over and over and really had it down. She could shake it! She got a special shirt to wear and she sat with the cheerleaders during the first half of the basketball game and cheered with them, which she loved! Then, at halftime, they got to perform! She was so happy when she spotted us up in the crowd!
I wish we would have gotten better pictures of her dancing! I did get it all on video.
Getting her groove on
This was the end of the dance. They each struck a different pose. Rylee was pretty proud of the pose she chose and would demonstrate it for us all the time at home. She looks so cute!
After the halftime performance, we went and picked her up from the cheerleaders and she sat with us for the second half. But, first we snapped a couple pics.
Her famous pose.

We love our cute little cheerleader! Way to go Rylee!!!

Day at the Ballet

Nov 26 - The Saturday after Thanksgiving, I took Rylee to the Nutcracker Ballet on a special date! I have wanted to start this tradition for a long time, but I didn't think Rylee was old enough. This year was perfect since she is so into dance right now. She was so excited about our special girl day and to meet REAL ballerinas. It was a lot of fun! I think this will be a new yearly tradition and maybe Avery can join us in a couple years. I was so mad because I didn't want to take my big camera so I just grabbed my little one, but when I pulled it out when we got there, the battery was dead. :( Luckily, I could use my phone, but the pictures weren't very good. To go to a performance, you have to be 5, but they allowed younger kids at the Saturday matinee, so we went to that one. They also hosted a Sugar Plum Tea Party before, and since anything "Tea Party" is SO Rylee, we had to go to that! This is her just before going in. She looked so cute all dressed up. She actually did have a different dress on, but she tore it before we left. It was the first time she had worn it, too, so I was so sad! It didn't even make it out of the house! Luckily, we had something else pretty to wear. Ry enjoying her Tea Party treats. All of the little ballerinas walked around and talked to the girls. Rylee was SO shy but she loved when they talked to her! She loved hearing what parts they were and when they came out on stage during the performance, she would whisper "I met her!" She especially liked meeting Clara since we read the story before we went. She said she wants to be a ballerina someday. Ry and her little Nutcracker mintMommy and Ry - What a special girls' day out! I love doing this kind of stuff with her.
We also paid to have a picture with the Sugar Plum Fairy and Cavalier. She was so shy with them, too, but she thought it was pretty neat! A big group of girls from our neighborhood actually all got tickets together. We took up a whole row between the girls and the moms. After the tea party, we went over and got lunch at the Bluebird before the big performance. Rylee had such a fun time! L to R: Rylee, Shaylee, Felicity, Rachael, Kylie, Melody and Nikki- Rylee's good friend Savanna also joined us at the performance.
At the performance! I was a little worried if Ry would sit through the whole thing, but she did great. She got pretty fidgety for the last 20 minutes, but other than that, she was really into the whole thing. She loved the beginning of the story with all the little kids and Clara and then really liked when all the different kinds of dancers danced in the second half. Her favorite part was the big mother with the skirt that all the little kids came out of. She thought that was so funny! It was a great day out. I love that I have a little buddy to go to the ballet and do girly things with me!


Nov 24 - We celebrated our Thanksgiving this year with the Webber side of the family. It is quite the gathering - There are now 35 of us and it is pretty crazy to fit us all into one house! The kids had a great time playing with cousins and we really enjoyed the setup this year - Kids tables and adult tables. It made it kind of nice to have a conversation! We always love getting together with family and it was nice that everyone could be there. Even Curt and Carla made the trip from Texas! We have so much to be thankful for! I'm glad we have a holiday where we can remember it all and reflect on our blessings. And have delicious food! I ate SOOO much!
The kiddie tables
Avery and Rylee eating their Thanksgiving dinner
Logan eating his dinner - He sat by his buddy MasonRylee and Raegan - Rylee was so happy to have her here to visit!
All 3 kids - They can NEVER all look at the camera at the same time, so I have to take SO many pictures....
After Thanksgiving dinner, we hung out with Darren's family for awhile and then we headed to visit Grandma and Grandpa Boman and have some pie with my side of the family. Grandma Boman always makes LOTS of pie and it was fun to get together with that side of the family for a bit, too.

And, then the plotting began for Black Friday. Really, I think Black Friday might be my favorite holiday and I spend hours checking ads and planning my attack. I get so excited when I find out the Target ad has been leaked. I am super nerdy, I know, but I love it! I think it combines sports and shopping and bargain hunting - some of my favorite things - and who doesn't love a little competitive shopping??? I love it!

This year things were a little different since most of the stores opened early. Walmart started their sale at 10 pm on Thanksgiving! I have to say I hate that they are getting earlier and earlier, but I don't hate it enough to boycott and it is kind of nice to not have to crawl out of bed at 3 am. However, it does make the shopping more crowded. More people will go out late at night than early in the morning. We got to Walmart around 9:30 to stake out our place by the stuff we wanted (I was prepared with a store map) only to find that people had torn into the pallets early and pretty much all the big stuff was already gone. By gone, I mean in people's shopping carts and they were waiting in line until 10 to check out. I couldn't believe people would do that! Luckily, my brother-in-law snagged the big item I needed at another WalMart and I found a few other great deals anyway. We finished there and headed to Target. They opened at midnight and we got there a little before and the line wrapped around the ENTIRE store! I had never seen anything like it. We toughed it out anyway and once we got inside it wasn't that bad and we found almost everything we went for. I did a lot of other shopping online so between Black Friday and that, I was pretty much finished up for Christmas after that. It was so nice! After Target, we hit the mall. I got some great deals at Crazy 8 and The Children's Place (my 2 favorite stores!) My mom also was able to get some awesome luggage for my brother going on a mission at JCPenney. We were pretty much done and home by 5 am. It was really nice and fun to go with my mom and sister, Heather, and my sister-in-law, Laura. Some nice female bonding, although I don't think any of them enjoy it as much as me.
We hung out at my parent's house for awhile on Friday and Darren went out and did a bit of shopping. Logan played Xbox and Wii with my brothers so he was in heaven. He brought up these signs he made to cheer on Kyle while he watched him play. I thought they were hilarious! This one says "Kyle go for the Big Boys!" and that drawing is boxing gloves.
This one is so funny to me. "Today's News (The arrows are my favorite part!) Boxer Goes Up in Match - Kyle 1st, Nick 2nd" Can you tell this kid really likes to read the Sports Page?
This was the last sign - Go! Kyle! Kyle rocks at Boxing! Another fun holiday. We love celebrating and spending time with our family. (And shopping!)

Friday, February 24, 2012

And.... EVEN More Family Pictures

Nov 24 - Here are our family pictures from our photo shoot with our extended family. I wish they would have turned out a little better. I loved the colors we wore and especially the second setting we went to (the leaves), but the kids were freezing and since the photographer was taking so many, he didn't take a lot of time to pose us. I hate that I am holding Avery in every single picture. (It did help hid the baby bump, but you can't see her outfit that well) They turned out pretty cute though. And there are LOTS to choose from! This was my favorite one. Ry had a little episode after this one and we had to take a break.
My sweet littles! If you can't tell, they were SO done by the time we got to these one and this location was FREEZING! I still think they are cute though!

I love my sweet little family! So blessed to have them all!

And.... More Family Pictures

Nov 24 - When we found out that Jeff would be going on a mission, we knew that we needed some updated pictures of the family before he left. I wasn't thrilled with the timing because I knew I was pregnant, but I took one for the team. It took quite a miracle (and about 2 months!) to get every one's schedules coordinated, but it happened the day before Thanksgiving! And then we had to coordinate the clothes... Wow! What a project with that many! I am a little obsessed with gray at the moment, so I was pretty happy with the colors we ended up with.

Lucky for me, we just did some of our own family pics, so I wasn't nearly as stressed if these would turn out. I guess that is the key - schedule two family sessions and then they aren't so stressful because you can always hope the other ones turn out! Our photographer was great to take LOTS of pictures and poses and we went to 3 different locations, which was kind of fun.

Here are some pics with the BIG extended fam! The sad part is these pictures are outdated already since my sister has had her baby and mine will be close behind. My cute LARGE family! I liked the photographer, but he took a lot of them from really far away... We look so TINY! What started with 2 became 9 and is now up to 17! We have 4 in-laws and 4 grandkids (now we actually have 5, soon to be 6...) I think this is my favorite one of the day - Cousins! Rylee, Avery, Ethan and Logan It is a small miracle that they are all looking and smiling!
Grandma and Grandpa and the grandkidsSisters with DadSisters with Mom
The girls
The boysBrothers....
...and Brother-in-lawsWe also had our soon to be Elder Jeff take pics with his nieces and nephews. It will be crazy to see how this picture will change over the next 2 years!

And, some individual family shots (ours will be in a new post...)My parents - 31 years and counting!
My little brother Dean and his cute wife LauraMy sister Heather and her fam - Hubby Jay and little Ethan. They now have a new family member! Little E My sister Vanessa and her hubby BrianJeffy - Almost 19! Bradley - 16 1/2
And the baby Kyle. Can't believe he is TWELVE! He was born my second week of college!!! How is that for crazy???

We survived family pictures! Yeah! I'm sure the next time we do this with my side of the family will be when Jeff gets home and by then, Brad might be headed out! I have the hardest time with my little brothers getting so big! I LOVE these people (most of the time...hehe!) and am so glad I am stuck with them for eternity!