Friday, December 5, 2008

Rylee at 20...months!

I thought I posted this a few days ago, but I guess I didn't....
So, I wanted to post something about Rylee every two months or so, but that hasn't really worked out. I have actually been working on this post since she turned 18 months, but haven't gotten around to finishing it! When Logan was a baby, I was so good at writing in his baby journal, but now that I have 2 kids, that has been much harder. I know...everyone warned me I shouldn't start the journal thing, but I really liked doing it! I am glad for the blog because at least I have written a lot about Rylee on here, since her poor jounal doesn't really exist! We love this little girl and she is growing and changing so fast! Here is the latest (or over the last few months...) about Rylee! (Warning: since this is for her journal, it will be much more than most want to read! Feel free to just check out her pictures!)
I took these pictures on Rylee's 18 month birthday, so I did at least remember to do that! Even though she is the 2nd child, I think she might have more pictures than Logan since she LOVES to have her picture taken and insists on it so often. Maybe that will make up for her lack of a baby journal...

These are not the most flattering pictures, but Rylee finally sprouted a few teeth between 15 and 18 months! Her teeth have com in really slow and in a strange order but I think they are almost caught up now. She got 2 teeth in July, 2 in August and 2 in September. She now has 6 teeth on the top and 6 on the bottom.

Rylee has recently started to become a bit of a daddy's girl, which is funny since she has been the biggest mama's girl ever since she was born! She loves hanging out with dad and gets so excited when he comes home every day! She always runs to greet him at the door. The first thing she says when he comes in is "Jacket - off"! I think she figures if his jacket is off, he can't go anywhere. She is also obsessed with our glasses and if either of us have them off, she asks us, "glasses? glasses?" over and over.

Rylee is ALL girl in many ways and I have no idea how that happened! I know that she does not get that from me! She is OBSESSED with purses for some reason and loves to tote them around. She puts anything that looks like a purse over her shoulder and says "Bye, bye" and off she goes!

Here is Rylee with her Sweet Ride! My mom found this little purple Jeep at a yard sale and Rylee loves it! She gets her baby and purse and she is on her way!

Rylee also seems to be quite into fashion already, which once again does not come from me! She is always trying to put clothes on herself or getting clothes out of her closet or attempting to dress her babies. I think it is really funny because Logan still refuses to dress himself, but Rylee loves it! When we get dressed in the morning, we'll go to her closet and I will say, "What do you want to wear?" and she will say "Ummmm.... Belle" or "Ummmm....Princess!" or "Ummmm...Pink!" I think it is so funny she seems to already have an opinion! Here is an ensemble she put together herself - Logan's shorts with her PJs over the top and hauling around some other PJs to add to it - so funny! She also has a shoe fetish and is always trying on shoes. Besides clothes, Rylee also really likes to dress up, especially if it involves being a Princess! She also likes to wear her "fishy" (Nemo) costume around.

Rylee is a really good helper. She is one messy little girl and gets out so many toys and books at once, but she also loves to clean up and does a pretty good job. She also follow directions really well - I can tell her to throw things away or to get something for me and she can usually do it. When we need to leave, Rylee is pretty good about getting her shoes or jacket (now if she would teach Logan)... and whenever we come home she will take off her shoes and put them right in the basket.

Rylee also LOVES to play pirates with Logan - It cracks me up to see them play together! She likes to wear all the gear and says "irate" and it is adorable! She loves the telescope and all the accessories too and says "RRRRR Matey" so cute! Although she seems to be all girl, she LOVES to do anything Logan is doing - She likes to drive cars and CRASH them or play rockets and makes all the sound effects just like her big brother. I love that these two play together so well(most of the time..) and that they are such good friends!
I think it is so funny that whenever we ask Rylee to make a decision, she always starts her answer with "Ummm..." like she is deep in contemplation! For instance, if we ask her what she wants for breakfast, she will say "Ummm...Nana!" or "Ummmm...Cereal." I also think it is funny that if we give Rylee a choice between 2 things, she always chooses the last option. For example, when I say "do you want a cereal or banana for breakfast?" she will say "nana". I can then ask her again, but instead say "do you want a banana or cereal for breakfast" and this time she will say "ummm...Cereal." I don't know why, but I just think it is funny!

Rylee is learning her colors and just started to kind of understand it the last couple of weeks. She knows most of the color signs, but she hasn't really put the concept together but she is starting to label things as different colors. Pretty much everything is Pink right now, but she is starting to add in some green and red and purple once in awhile. Her signs for pink and red are so funny! I love it when she does them.

I have no idea where Rylee picked this up, but right now all socks are puppets! She takes the socks she is wearing off and puts them on her hands and says "puppet" and makes it talk makes us give them kisses and everything. She has quite the imagination! Rylee is the best little mommy and has been for a long time. I know I have mentioned it several times, but she just gets more and more into her babies. Her latest is that she wants to change their diapers. She lays stuff out on the floor to put the baby on and tells me they are "stinky - PU" and holds her nose and then gets diapers and wipes for them. She insists on real diapers and I have been going through SO many wipes because she has to have those too! She doesn't actually put the diaper on, just sort of wraps them around or makes the wipe into a diaper. I have always thought it was so funny that she just knows what to do with a baby and wants to take care of them so bad! She is great at feeding them and sharing her binky and wrapping them in blankets and everything. It is very cute!The last time I did a post about Rylee, she was still letting me swaddle her at night. She is such an active child that it totally amazed me that she let that continue for that long. Around 16 months or so, she started just going down with her minky dot blankie and her Eeyore or her puppy. She LOVES blankies! Sometimes she also likes to have a baby doll. She also has to have her binky and her sippy cup and hold them all just so. She is doing great at sleeping right now, as long as all these things are in place! I think it is so cute when she is cuddled up with them! She also has lately had a bit of an obsession with sleeping on the couch and when we put her down, she will cry and scream in her crib "Couch, Couch" - So sad! That is what she says in the morning when she wakes up, too. I have no idea where this started - We don't let her sleep on the couch, except for an occasional nap. I think she just wants to be where all the action is and knows that is where we are...

Rylee also has recently really started to like playing in her room! I think this is because we usually end up playing in Logan's room, so when we play in hers she gets really excited. If we start upstairs, she will say "Rylee's Room". She also really likes it when Logan is napping and she is awake so that she can have some time with mom or dad uninterrupted. She gets so silly and loves to have our undivided attention!

Rylee has also started to LOVE puppies ever since my sister got her dog. She totes this puppy all around and calls her (and every other dog) "Lola", which is my sister's dog. She says all of her L words so funny that it cracks us up - She does it with her tongue out and it just looks so funny! She loves to give the dog kisses and she also like to pretend she is a dog and lick us for kisses - a little gross!

Not too long ago, Rylee got very particular about what books we read at night. I would choose one and she would say, "NO!" and would have to get down and choose her own. She has such an opinion! Her latest favorite is Fancy Nancy. As soon as we sit down to read at night, she asks for "Fancies" She loves it - every little girl should have this book. It is so cute! She also loves Alice the Fairy and can finish several of the lines as I read it. She has started to love to read books, but she usually only likes to turn the pages all by herself.

Ry is our binky girl - She is rarely without it! I know I have already put this on the blog, but it is just too funny! She LOVES her bink! She has been talking so much lately, I think it is a good thing she has one. It is the only way to keep her quiet to put her to sleep at night! Otherwise I think she would just keep talking!
Rylee is really into hugs and kisses and HAS to have one before Darren or I leave and before she goes to bed. If we forget, or if she forgets that we already had one, she will say "hug, hug, hug" over and over until we do it. If I am putting her to bed and she hears Darren in the other room, she will insist on a hug even when she has already had one. She gives the sweetest hugs and kisses and says "MUAH" so cute when she gives you a kiss - even if she is all the way across the room! She also LOVES to hold hands and if we are walking somewhere, she will say "HAND" and demand that we hold her hand - especially to Logan. Then she will drag him along. I am so glad that he is so patient with her!

Rylee LOVES phones and cameras (and even better camera phones) - I wonder where she could have learned this from... (notice the outfit she has put together in this photo.)

Rylee recently started to learn names. When Rylee was about 16 months, she started saying her own name and it was the cutest thing I had ever heard! We loved it! We would ask her name and she would say "Wywee" Whenever we mention the word "name", she will start going around and naming everyone in the room - mom, dad, Logan, dolls - it is pretty funny! At around 16 months, she started saying other people's names,too, like her little friend, Sky. She knows most of our family's names now and even remembers some of her little friends and neighbors names. She also LOVES pictures and likes to name everyone in the pictures and tote them all around the house. We were at my Grandma's house a little while back and she found a picture with my dad in it and carried it around under her arm and said "Granpa, Granpa" over and over.

Rylee looks so cute in her little rain coat! But she HATES to get rain in her eyes! She walks around squinting and says "eyes, eyes" - it is kind of funny!

While we were on our trip to San Antonio, Rylee got pretty bossy! She told everyone at Grandma's house what to do, and of course, they did it, so she now continues to be pretty bossy. She says "NOW" and starts counting to 3 a lot. She is always bossing Logan and he is a pretty good sport about it. She also started calling people and she will go all around calling "ogan" or "daddy, where are you?" She also says "Come here" and waves her hand to you and gets pretty intense if you don't listen.

Rylee loves being outside. I think the winter will be hard on her - unless we find that she likes the snow. So far, I don't know that she will be a cold weather girl. Anytime we go outside and the wind is blowing or it is a little cold, she says "cold, Cold, FREEZING" and shakes her little fists like the sign. I think she will miss the summer!

Rylee is such a talker these days! I think she can say just about anything she wants. She is such a mimic and is always repeating what we say (which can be dangerous) and sometimes she will just say random words, I think just to prove that she can say them - like the other day, she just started saying floor, and she is always randomly saying some body part. She also has been saying a lot of little sentences, mostly commands that end in it - open it, close it, want it, don't want it, like it, don't like it, get it.... you get the idea! My favorite word she says is "Oh-la-la" from her Fancy Nancy book (and posh). Any L word is so funny, but especially this one - she says L with her tongue out and it is just hilarious! Some other funny words she says is Mickey, Minnie, Belle, Kyle, Popsicle, Donald (she has an odd obsession with Donald Duck), Beauty.

Our Rylee is such the cheeser and for some reason, she thinks she should tilt her head to say cheese and most of her pictures look like this - Kind of funny!

Rylee likes to sing and do the actions to lots of songs - Her favorites are Popcorn popping, Monkeys on the bed, Monkeys swinging in the trees, Once there was a snowman and Eensie Weensie Spider. She also really likes to dance! She has some pretty good moves! She has also started to have some TV preferences - she loves the Backyardigans and can name most of them (my favorite is when she says 'Niqua) and she likes Barney, Elmo and Yo Gabba Gabba. We don't really watch Gabba - I think it is a little odd - but if Rylee sees it, we have to stop, even if it just the commercial. She yells "Gabba" over and over and gets so excited!

Rylee really likes to color and is always asking to color and draw. She even holds the crayons pretty well and says the names of letters as she writes. She wants to be like her brother! Rylee LOVES her Aggies! She is a great cheerleader and now identifies any sporting event on TV as the Aggies! She knows a good portion of the fight song and always says the end "Go Aggies, Go Aggies, hey! Hey! Hey!" is this really deep voice. She loves to watch the cheerleaders at the games, much to my dismay! At the first basketball game, there were no cheerleaders and Ry was so concerned! She kept asking where they were. She is also always looking for Blue since she is so scared of him. Last time he wasn't there, she said "Potty" - she must assume if he isn't on the court, he must have had to go to the bathroom! Rylee has a lot of energy and is very full of life and personality. Ry is so rough and tumble and loves to get down and play with Daddy and Logan and plays football with them and loves to tackle and be tackled and to tickle and be tickled. She has the cutest little laugh and we love to hear it! Whenever she thinks something is funny, she says "funny" and laughs so cute! We love her and are so glad to have her in our family!


Clark Family said...

These pictures of Rylee are so cute!!

Jami said...

she is adorable!! She always takes good pictures, like you! Brittney was the same way with purses and still is. They love to be girls!