Thursday, December 18, 2008

Soccer, Mickey Mouse and .... CARRIE!!!

This next post is from November, so its a little outdated. I have been busy with some Christmas projects that have completely overtaken my life!!! I am SOOO happy they are finished but between that and Christmas parties and Christmas shopping, it has kept me from my usual "obsessive blogging", but I'm hoping to catch up by Christmas.... We'll see....That never seems to happen!
Anyway - In November, we went to a few really fun events. First, was the Real Salt Lake playoff game on November 1st. For any of you who don't know, Darren is a HUGE soccer fan! He has been very excited for Real to finish their new stadium - He has been following its progress online for MONTHS! He also went to the first game there. After going to a game there, he kept talking about how cool it was and was so excited for another chance to see a game there - especially a PLAYOFF game! It was Real's first time in the playoffs and the game was so much fun! Rylee was having a rough day (it was the same day as her pictures...) so we left her with my parents. Logan had a great time with just Mom and Dad. We went with all of Darren's brothers and his dad and my niece and nephew, Parker and Madi. It was so much fun - and to make it even better, they won 1-0! And yes...the game was November 1st in Utah and we are wearing short sleeves!!! Crazy!Logan and Daddy ready to go into the stadiumLogan hanging out with his cousins Parker and Madi
Logan loved flying his rally rag around!Logan was pretty tired - The game was the day after Halloween and I think he was recovering from a sugar high!One of Vanessa's roommates gave Logan this HUGE gummy spider! It was a great treat to keep Logan happy. He wasn't as into the game as we hoped he would be, but he had a good time and this spider kept him occupied for awhile.Mmmm...Yummy!!!GOOOOAAAAALLLLL!!! Everyone went crazy when Real scored - It was pretty close to the end of the game!

A couple weeks later, we went back to Salt Lake to see Disney on Ice!!! I had bought the tickets in September and it was pretty hard to wait for it to come around. When we got there, Logan was so excited! It was at the EnergySolutions area and he saw a picture of Darrin Williams and said, "Its Darrin Williams! Is this where the Jazz play?" He was so excited to see the Jazz, I think he might have been a little disappointed it was something else...until Mickey appeared and then he was so into it! We had really good seats and LOVED the show - It was so cute! It was 100 years of Disney and featured little parts of all the best Disney stories - They had Nemo, Toy Story, The Incredibles, Aladdin, Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Pinocchio and a few others and a segment of just Princesses!!! Yeah - and of course, Mickey and Minnie and all the rest!Logan and Rylee anxiously waiting for the show to start.

The best part is seeing them react when the characters come out for the first time - It makes it so worth going!Ry was pretty serious...Logan was so excited he couldn't stay in his seat!
Logan and Dad
Me and my Princess! We LOVED seeing all the Princesses and Rylee loved waving and blowing them kisses!Logan clapping for the show. He was pretty into it...The Nemo segment was one of our favorite parts! Logan loved the Bruce the shark, although he was a little afraid of it!Toy Story was another of our favorites! It was so cute and Logan was SO excited to see Buzz and Woody!This part was supposed to be like the Small World ride at Disneyland and was so cute!I think this is a hug, not a headlock, but you can never be sure with these two...The grand finale! Ry waving goodbye to all the characters. She was much more into the show than I expected. She had an obsession with Donald Duck. Anytime he left, she would say "Donal? Donal go?" and do her little what hands and shrug her shoulders. I have no idea why she was so excited about him...Since Logan didn't get to see a Jazz game, we let him take pictures with these statues of Stockton and Malone - He thought they were pretty awesome!
Once Disney on Ice was over, we were in a big rush to get to our next event! Real had moved into the second round of the playoffs, and had home field advantage, which no one thought would happen, so of course, we had to attend! Our friends, Jesse and Christina, were able to get us some tickets, and so we went to another game, even though it was a crazy day AND I had to teach the lesson in Relief Society early the next morning! Luckily, (or unluckily...) our Disney on Ice tickets were for the matinee, so we were able to do both. It was a night game and pretty cold, so we took the kids to Darren's mom and dad's. It was a lot of driving back and forth and we got home SOOO late, but it was a lot of fun!Our seats were pretty close right behind the goal and the crowd was crazy! Real played so great, but ended up losing 1-0! They had 3 shots bounce off the posts, so it was frustrating to watch but we had fun! We were so bundled up because it was FREEZING! We took a picture, but I think it got deleted before I got it off the camera....I was so sad!

A few days later, I made the trek to Salt Lake again....this time to see CARRIE UNDERWOOD!!! I bought these tickets in July and have been counting down since! It was the BEST concert and so much fun! I drove down with my good friend, Carlie, and we met our friend, Jenn at Chili's a little before the concert. I want to write Chili's a hate mail after this - We were there an hour and a half before the concert and were told it was only a 20 minute wait. It took an HOUR to get our table, and they were really slow! Then, they told us we had to move our car in their parking lot or it would be impounded!!! We were right across the street from the concert, but we had to move our car all the way around the corner and pay $10 to park - I was so mad! We were a half hour late and missed most of the opening band - Little Big Town! They were really good from what I heard, but nothing compared to Carrie!Carlie, me and Jenn - These are the 2 couples Darren and I hung out with in college all the time after we got married. We have never done anything as just girls, but it was so fun! We will have to do it again soon girls!My best friend from High School, Melissa, was also at the concert and ended up sitting just a few rows in front of us so we were able to chat for a little bit before Carrie came out. It brought back happy memories of another concert I went to with her - Tim and Faith! We had AWESOME tickets for that one and it was so fun! My camera pretty much sucks in the dark and doesn't zoom very well, but you get the idea - Here is Carrie coming out for the first time!This girl can sing!!! The concert was so fun and she sang so many good songs! She was the BEST live singer and sounded awesome the whole time. She also talked to the crowd and seemed so nice and so real. She pulled some 14 year old girl out of the audience to sing American Girl with her and it was so cute! This picture is awful - I should have stolen one of Jenn's blog! I loved when she came back out as an encore and sang "Before He Cheats"! It was SO fun! I loved Carrie and had a great time with Jenn and Carlie - It was a great girls' night out!

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