Sunday, December 7, 2008

Rylee's 18 month pictures

I have been slacking on my blog, so I'm hoping to post all the things I have been slow on this week and catch up!
These are Rylee's 18 month pictures - I was a little slow in getting them done with our trip to San Antonio and some sick kids, and even slower at getting them posted, but I finally got them done. They are not the best ones I have had done of her, but some of them turned out really cute.

At first, she was being so sweet and posing herself and loving it - It didn't last too long though.... This one is my VERY favorite!
Here are a few others while she is happy....

I LOVE this one, too! I love how she crossed her legs and posed herself!
Right after they took this picture, Rylee suffered a MAJOR meltdown! She was crying and wouldn't stop! We tried everything - The photographer tried every toy and book and my mom even went and bought her some M&M's but nothing seemed to work! The only time she stopped crying was if I held her... The photographer did get a few good shots of her while I held her without getting me in too much...We tried to get her in her other outfit, but that was a mess! This is the only picture we got of her in it, and as you can see, it wasn't a happy one! I had to post it for the memories though!I can't believe that my baby girl is SOOO big! It makes me quite sad! I did learn a lesson from this picture experience - Photos the day AFTER Halloween are NOT a good idea! Late nights + too much candy and sugar = not a happy toddler for pictures!!!


Rachel said...

She is cute. I know all to well about the photo session meltdown. What did you go to San Antonio for?

Karmann said...

She is so cute Brooke! She is so big! It feels like yesterday when I was holding her as a new born! I hate how time keeps flying by so fast! Miss you!

Erica said...

She is so stinking cute! Love the pics.

Jenn said...

oh she is the cutest! you are such a good mom to get their pictures taken so often, i am not.

The Winns said...

Those pictures are just adorable! You're kids are too cute. I love the one with you two- It so sweet.
