Tuesday, December 30, 2008

SNOW much fun!

My kids were SO excited about the first snowfall!!! They have been waiting forever to try out their snowpants and build a snowman and Logan was SO excited to have a real snowball fight! We woke up to snow on December 8th - It wasn't a lot, but was enough to cover the ground and get the kids excited and was great packing snow, so it was perfect for playing in! I thought the kids would last about 5 minutes out in the snow and want to come in. They are not really cold weather kids after being spoiled in Vegas, but the stayed out for over a half an hour and we had to make them come in and bribe them with hot chocolate! We had "snow" much fun! Rylee looked so cute all bundled up in her snowclothes! She could barely walk but she didn't seem to mind.It was so hard to get a picture of Logan because he was all over the place! He LOVED the snow and made great snow angels and loved hitting me and Darren with snowballs!Rylee liked eating the snow! She would just eat mouthful after mouthful off of her gloves the whole time we were out there! Her mouth was always full of snow and she looked so funny. I tried to get a picture of Logan doing snow angels, but he was too fast for me, so I tried to get one of he and Ry together, but they weren't too happy about it...Logan, Darren and Rylee - They stopped their snowball fight long enough for a picture! It was one of Darren's late work days, so he was able to play with us, which made it even more fun!Building a (little) snowman! Logan had just seen Frosty, so once the snowman was built, Logan immediately gave him his hat (so cute!) and some stick arms. He didn't seem to care about the face...just the hat, since that is what made Frosty come to life! He also wanted to put a snowball in his arm to throw - He is so funny sometimes! I tried to get a cute picture of both kids with the snowman, but Logan was off building his Wall-E snowman. (I didn't get a picture of that because Logan used it his game of snow bowling and it didn't stand very long...) Anyway, Rylee is always up for taking pictures, and posed with the snowman so cute!!! She is a cheese!

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