Monday, November 24, 2008

October Recap...

I am well aware that November is already half over (where did it go?) and I am still posting things from October. I am always behind, so it is nothing new. I know it is surprising that there could actually be more photos than what I have already posted from last month, but there are! Here are some of my favorite random pictures and moments from October. The first part of October, we made our last trip of the year to the little zoo near our house. We have loved being able to spend time there since we moved here. My good friend Melissa and her little boy Ryker came with us and the kids had so much fun! He and Logan get along so good and have a good time together!
Rylee wanted to be one of the boys and climb and do everything they did
All three kiddiesI think the highlight of the day was feeding the fish and ducks! The kids love that every time we go.Little monkeys at the monkey cage!This is Logan with his new Wingo car that he got for staying dry ALL day! I was so excited about this accomplishment...but since then he has stopped trying to go! I am not liking potty training! Every morning I ask Logan if he wants to try underwear for the day, or sit on the potty and he tells me "no thanks. Maybe tomorrow." My pediatrician told me it needs to be his choice, but how long is this going to go on? Today I asked Logan when he thought he might try underwear and he said, "Maybe June"... Great! There is something to look forward to...
We also really enjoyed some nice weather in October and took the kids up the canyon one last time. They loved running around. We were supposed to feed the ducks, but we forgot to bring bread. They threw some crackers, and then some rocks...Logan loved throwing things into the riverRylee running around...One day last month, Rylee pulled out all the dressups from her closet and the kids both loved wearing them and playing around!
Logan in his Buzz costume
To Infinity and Beyond!!! Logan likes jumping off of everything when he is Buzz...and actually Rylee is pushing him off!
Rylee loves her Princess dressups!
Logan's Buzz gloves make a nice touch to her outfit, don't ya think?Rylee is so funny with socks lately - I have no idea where this came from, but she puts all socks on her hands and says "puppet" and makes it talk. This is the first and really only snow we have had so far! I was pretty worried when it was snowing already in mid-October, but it didn't stick or stay around. I am pretty happy that it has held off for so long, although Logan is dying to wear his snow hat and go sledding and build snowmen. I do hope we get some snow for Christmas but we have been really enjoying the nice weather.Logan put these goggles on and told us he was a pilot! I don't know where he would have learned that, but I thought it was pretty funny!
Rylee wanted her picture taken too. She always has to have a picture if I get the camera out...Here are Logan and Rylee modeling the hats we brought them from Texas. They look so funny in them!
This is one of the few times that Rylee did not want a picture!
Ry is so funny about going to sleep. She has to have this minky dot blankie, her 'Ore (Eeyore), and her sip and binky all just right before she can go to bed. Then when I get her after a nap, she has to take all of it down to the couch and lay with it until she wakes all the way up. She does the same thing in the morning, she has to take it all with her until she is ready to go, it is pretty funny!One of the days that the kids crashed out at the same time together on the bed! That is always a happy day for me! I finally have them on a similar schedule but it doesn't always go as planned...Grandma and Grandpa Webber stopped for a visit and brought some cupcakes and Rylee REALLY liked them! She was a mess! Of course, they let her have 2 and she only ate the frosting, so she was on a sugar high for the rest of the day!I tried Rylee's hair in curlers for the first time for our family pictures and her hair looked so cute! I wish I would have taken some after pictures! I thought she looked so funny with her curlers! She did really well with them and left them in which really surprised me.
We also went to the Aggie Basketball kick-off at the end of October. We ended up buying Basketball season tickets, too! I guess that football wasn't enough.... The team is really young and inexperienced, so I don't know if they will have a great start, but I think they will do pretty well by the end of the season. They have some talented players! Logan had fun at the game and after the game, he got autographs from all the players! He thought that was the best and loved giving everyone high fives. This is him and Gary Wilkinson who was picked as the Pre-Season WAC player of the year. He is doing pretty well so far, but we'll see.Here are my 2 huge Aggie fans with their autographed poster! I teased D that he should get one, too! Logan has it hanging in his room and he loves it!


Karmann said...

Cute Brooke!!! Ryan was smiling ear to ear when he saw his boy in the jersey! I loved all the pictures! They are so cute Brooke! I miss you guys so much! Happy Thanksgiving!

Clark Family said...

So June for potty training huh? Well that's good that Logan has set his goal!!:)

Doug and Dawn said...

Cute pictures. You are so good at capturing every moment.